
Showing posts from 2011

Iron Deficiency

Peace, I don't always remember what I say here and quite frankly I'm too lazy to go back and check. So you know I'm telling the truth since I wouldn't be able to remember a lie! I, as a woman, have suffered from iron poor blood since puberty. I remember going to the pediatrician and him giving me a Rx for iron and my mother throwing it away away and telling me, "All women are iron deficient. It's the price for womanhood." Now I don't know if DFACs is retroactive, because she needed to spend some time in lock up because of her wisdom. What I got from that it was my lot to suffer as a woman and to blow off my iron levels. Fast forward to 2002. I had fibroids so bad I couldn't stand upright. I was in constant pain and needed to have surgery but was so iron deficient that I required 3 transfusions. 1 before, 1 during and 1 after. Add to the stew, there was rampant infection in the blood supply. I ended up waiting 2 months before my blood was stron...

Wet Breakfast Challenge

Peace Y'all, It's the time of year where I think about how my resolutions went and plan for some new ones. I have officially said good bye to some dreams and hello to others. I'm in a good place. I recognize that I need to get my cleanse on. But I have no desire to suffer ridiculous detox. So....... I'm going to slowly step into a cleaner Serenity. While on the hCg diet, I realized that I could train my body to be happy with less food. that's good to know. I lost 22 lbs on it btw. 22 lbs I can see. So I'm going to stick to the lower cal, but change the low carb option a bit. I am going to start back juicing and green smoothie-ing again for breakfast. That way I can get all my fruit and veggie requirements and maybe do some healing. My skin is still tripping. But I recognize that it is all stress related. I don't see myself calming down unless I hit the lottery so I will just have to hold on. I'm no longer concerned with bearing (one of the dreams ...

Earth cannot live by Bread alone....

Peace, I have a complex relationship with bread. I like some bread a lot and others not at all. To me, bread MUST be tantalizing or it’s not worth it at all to me. Since being on this HCG diet I haven’t been able to eat a ridiculous amount of gluten. And I like the results. The hCg diet is a low calorie, no carb diet that lets you eat the smallest amounts of bread and eat them desiccated. As I’m making my way back to normal eating, I realize that I’m not a big bread eater. I’m not. A biscuit holds no fascination for me except as a vehicle for vegan sausage gravy. Yes, I will admit KFC might find me at their drive-thru requesting 3, but you can check the calendar and see I’m due. Sliced bread is only appealing with peanut butter or lettuce tomato and cheese. I am not one of these people who have a slice of bread on my dinner plate unless it is part of a sandwich. There is a loaf of bread on my countertop that has been there a month. It’s store bought and sliced. What it is not is ...

My skin is falling off!

Peace Y’all, I hope I can get this build up and running before I fall asleep. I had a violent skin reaction this morning and I had to take some Benadryl. Drowsiness is a side effect and I feel it coming down on me like a heavy blanket. I believe it was a reaction to the polyester in one of my favorite dresses. I generally don’t wear polyester and got rid of most things from my wardrobe. But this dress was a favorite. Oh well. It will find the Goodwill soon enough. I need to make that cotton slip that I have been promising myself I’d make. That might have aided me this morning. I have eczema. I have had it all my life. It is relation to the trilogy of asthma-sinusitis-eczema. My mother and brother have asthma so bad that they have both been hospitalized because of it. I suppose in the grand scheme of things, what I suffer from is not so bad. It could be worse. Time to be a bit proactive…. Google is everyone’s friend. As a child, I remember getting steroid shots and UV treatments. ...

Guess What?

I lost 11lbs last week! Yay Serenity!!!!! I just hope I'm not screwing up my metabolism and various and sundry body parts.... Peace

Starting Something New... HcG

Peace, I started taking the meds for the HcG diet. You are supposed to eat like a Viking for the 1st 2 days. And I did. I also gained 6lbs. :-/ I feel some kind of way about that. I really Expect to be close to 245 by the next Monday. Seriously. I have to give myself injections!!! Yeah. So I NEED to see this weight come off and come off fast. This diet is against everything I have ever been taught as a dieter. No breakfast. Just black coffee. 2 meals a day. Both should equal 500 calories or under? Weigh every day? No exercise? That shit is crazy! It better work, otherwise it may irrevocably screw up my metabolism. It also features no carbs Atkins kind of thing. I suppose. I can be on this for 6 weeks a pop and then I have to come off and spend real time away from this diet. That’s different. With past diets, I stayed on them until I gave up or I lost all the weight I wanted. This one is 6 weeks at a pop. So this is day 3 of Phase 2. There are 4 phases. Phase 1 is essentially just...

Getting in tune with the Seasons

Peace! It’s time to get the fall garden together! Truthfully, I should have gotten it together last month but don’t judge me! As I do the 1 on what I should be planting, I notice something. I’ve noticed this before but never really gave it a good thinking over….. Fall is the season for greens. In the winter root veggies come due. In the summer, fruit. And the spring you eat whatever you can find and is also a good time for fasting and cleansing. Hmmmm…… Does this not make you think? Nature doesn’t waste. Food that grows in a specific season is what you need to deal with the ailments and qualities of said season. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating tomatoes in the winter. I may damage our bodies. Maybe we shouldn’t be eating mangos outside the tropical environments. Fruits are juicy and in the summer we wrestle with dehydration. Root veggies are more satisfying and take longer to digest. Digestion warms the body. That’s why they call it digestive fire. So this is more beneficial in the wi...

Clean Eating

Peace. For all my attempts at maintaining a healthy lifestyle that keeps drug and disease free and increases my longevity, I have yet to try “Clean Eating.” I know it can be helpful, because everyone that gives it a shot swears by it. My carpooler says that his mother started eating cleaner and she lost a significant amount of weight. And she is old! She summed it up as, “If it’s white, it ain’t right.” I had a patient who is a body builder come into the office singing the praises of clean eating. Now it’s not like she had ever been on a true diet before. She was naturally thin. But she wanted to get cut for competitions. So she started to eat clean. What weirded me out was that she was eating more in a day than I eat in 2 (non-PMS) days. But all her food was “clean.” I could do that. “There are many people simply looking to remove the chemicals from their diets and bodies, and therefore eat clean. Their focus is NOT on losing weight, but on general health. They avoid processed f...

Mother Knows Best.....

Peace. If y’all read my blogs you know me and my moms have a tenuous relationship at best. At my advanced age I have decided that she cannot be reformed so I have taken her foolishness off my planet. We speak… mostly via email (we speak on the phone 1x/month). And we see each other no more than 5x/year. And I asked myself when she returned to the essence, would I feel guilty about our state of affairs? And the answer truly is no. When I’m with her, I’m stressed and unhappy. I do my duty as a daughter to her. And I’m good with the way things are. But… One of the last times I saw her we went shopping. A mutually enjoyed hobby. I saw some BAD ASSED heeled sandals. Lawdemercy, they had to be 4”. I’m still getting moist as I think about them good sisters. My mother looked at the hotness on my feet and said, “Those shoes are nice. But they will break your uterus.” What? I was convinced that I needed to start investigating nursing homes because clearly my mother is losing it. I am nearl...

Meat me on this

This will probably be an unpopular post. But so what? I’m giving you the opportunity to bounce before I offend you…. You still here? Well then PEACE!!!! I have built many times that I am a vegetarian… actually a pescatarian... Long story. And I’m satisfied. But I have never built on why I feel like it’s the very best plan for man’s consumption. So here we go. I cee meat eating as being savage. Notice I said savage and not uncivilized. With the advent of agriculture… which I’m certain is older than the devil has led us to believe… people can make plans for their foods. Not have to wander around from place to place like animals looking for it. Or killing said animals to eat. I know the Gods and Earths of millennium past, had the ability to master all within their ciphers. If they could build pyramids, complex structures, and traverse this planet until they were bored, then they had to have something they could tote with them to eat. Having to kill your food for every meal is not cost...

Black DOES Crack

Peace Y’all, I know I have been ghost a minute from this particular blog, but y’all do know I have others if you just can’t get enough Serenity. I try to blog somewhere at least once a week. Follow me around. Well now that protocol has been established…. I have turned a certain age. If you are a follower you know what I’m talking about. If not, you are just gonna have to do the knowledge for self or guess, because I ain’t admitting to anything any more. That being said; I want to put to bed a rumor… a myth… a falsehood A nasty bold-faced lie…. Black Does Crack . Now, we don’t get as funky looking as colored folks, but we do change. I’m thinking there a re a number of reasons for why Original people age more slowly than colored folks. (1) We aren’t grafted. That makes a big difference. Think about it… A copy is never as perfect as the Original. There is always a blemish or something to let you know it’s a copy. (2) We don’t have the habits of colored people. We don’t abuse our sk...

Get it In!

Peace, I have stated probably ad nauseaum that I am a vegetarian and have been since 2000. Well this might change. I have been experiencing odd symptoms. I have had an intense brain fog. Not your ordinary run of the mill brain fog, but some up-in-your-face-I-don't-remember-where-I-live brain fog. Even though I claim long term vegetarianism, I was still eating fish once a week until 2009. I would notice that if I went long term without fish I would get stupid. Then I eat some fish and I'd go back to being fine. I had a car accident in June and have been seeing health care practitioners more than usual. The doctors did some bloodwork on me and told me that I have a severe B12 deficiency. Now I know vegetarians get B12 deficiencies like child bearing women become iron deficient. It is part of the lifestyle. And I kind of have been supplementing since 2009. But you know from previous posts that I don't like supplements and prefer to get mine in through diet. BUT... I wasn...

Lowering My Blood Pressure..... Vitamins

Peace People, I have decided to embark on a mini cleanse. I had a car accident on 6/10/2011 and I learned that my blood pressure is slightly elevated. Now most folks, including my doctors, seem nonplussed by this information but I am not handling it well. My mother’s blood pressure is consistently higher than any human’s should be. I don’t want to fall victim to that or any of her health issues. (And she has them all) Especially since I have a familial susceptibility to said condition. When I’m an old Earth, I don’t want to need to be on any medications. My blood pressure isn’t super high. 130/83 was the highest. It may seem like I’m over reacting but my BP is normally like 110/60. Even at my highest weight of nearly 300lbs it was like that. So this is a big difference. Of course I Googled natural remedies, since the physicians think I’m crazy for caring. And the list read….. multivitamins with co-enzymes, weight loss, yoga, exercise, de-stress and garlic. Well… I am already on a w...

Are you Listening?

Peace Family, I have doing some unconscious research of late... There are books upon books, articles upon articles, builds upon builds and opinions upon opinions. But the question I raise is…. “Are you giving breath to all the nutritional need mumbo jumbo?” I am always vegetarian, often vegan sometimes raw foodist. I hear no end of foolishness when some omnivore tells me I will return to the essence prematurely if I don’t consume XYZ. Many of my herbivore friends also tell me who I’m committing slow suicide because I don’t take this supplement or this herb. Enough Already! I don’t eat meat. So where am I getting my protein from? This is such a stupid question. Folks still plugged into the matrix. Why do people think you need all this protein to begin with? I’m grown and have stopped increasing vertically and last time I checked wasn’t brewing any babies. Like 25 years ago. So what do I need all this said protein for? I do not follow any protein ingestion guideline yet I’m still ...

Brought It!

Peace. As of tomorrow, I will be done with P90x! I would have been done last week on May 2nd, but I got the flu. I did try to work out through my illness but I threw up every time I tried. So…. I don’t think I’m going to do this again. And let me tell you why…. First… It’s hard to stay committed for 90 days. I was gung ho for 60 day sand really resented the last 90. That’s no way to workout. I started to get sloppy and play with the workouts. Second… Most of the workouts were very long; ranging from 76-90 minutes. I don’t work in the fitness industry. In order to complete the workouts I have to wake up between 4-4:30 am. Now I may sound like I’m whining, and I probably am, but anything before 5 is too much for me. I still have to work a 9 hour day, come home, do housework and feed my family. With a 4 am wake up call, I am dead asleep at 9pm (sometimes before) and my honey bunny takes the loss. I need something that is shorter and can be done either in the morning or the evening...

RTR 2011

Peace. I’m finishing up P90x this week, so I have become introspective. Also, it’s Mater Allah Why? And that too has me thinking. It’s time for my annual cleanse. RTR is in May…. And I should have really seen it coming…. But I didn’t. So I’m late. The God made a decision and didn’t even bother to tell me what he was considering until after he decided. I know it’s not required to raise the rod in May, or even for women to raise it at all. But I like to get my cleanse on. And my body is screaming for it. Currently my skin is riddles with eczema (maybe leprosy…. j/k), I’m feeling really stupid and I’m just getting over the flu. I have no business feeling like this. I am a healthy person! So normally the ‘go to’ thing is 100% raw!!!! But not this time. I just have to admit that I’, not perfect and that’s 100% is really hard for me to maintain. I know it’s good for me, but I just don’t want to. I’m busy. I have God 100% of the time and he requires my attention and effort. Also choice...

Dear Serenity

Dear Body, I am so sorry. I have been subjecting you to all manner of exercise expecting you to instantly change. And when you did not, I became a total couch potato eating all manner of snacks and processed foods. I didn’t listen to you when you told me that you were impure. You showed me by allowing the skin to go crazy. And even that wasn’t enough to get me to see how bull headed I have been. You gave me headaches, the flu and now the return of loose booty. So now what’s the plan? First I will internally cleanse you and get rid of the impurities. I will nourish you with a clean and fresh diet. I will wash you with plenty of water. I will keep you away from over processed foods. I realize that I am the steward and sole controller of you and I have to do my part to see that you stay healthy. Please forgive me? And don’t get old on me! I love you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Serenity

My Hair Story....

Peace Y’all, Today I feel like building about my hair. I have been on loc sites all day and I feel the need to contribute to the interweb. And don’t be looking for pictures. You know I’m not showing you any! I got my 1st perm at age 7. Mommie hijacked me and told me I was about to be initiated into womanhood. I needed to learn early that it hurts to be a woman. She didn’t lie. I cried and had to be held down while that kiddie perm burned my scalp. I stopped perming in the 90’s because I was rocking those Janet Jackson Poetic Justice braids. I found that braids held better on natural hair. I considered keeping the fro, but I had no information on how to do my hair and the internet wasn’t like it is now. So I permed for another 4 years. I went natural this last time in 2000. I had always had a sensitive scalp and would burn easy. Becoming a vegetarian just pushed my scalp issues over the top. My hair has been loced since 2008. I had tentatively placed the date to be during the year...

I have finally made a Decision

Peace. This is a ladies post. So if your a man or skeeve easily this is your opportunity to bounce. If you stay, you get what you get. I have decided that I will no longer exercise while on cycle. And I refuse to feel bad about said decision. I have gone over this a number of times. I have read that women shouldn't do yoga while on cycle. I am not basing my decision completely on something I've read. But it does help that other people have grappled with this issue. I am extending that to include all exercise. I can't speak for all women, but my cycles are heavy, physically draining and painful. I literally suffer through them. Exercise does in fact change the quality of the cycles, but not for the better. They get worse. They pain is more acute. Currently, I haven't left the house in 3 days. And what's the big deal suspending activity for a few days to properly care for my body? There are those women who have light cycles that last a day or two. I'm no...

40 is the new 30, and other lies!

Peace. When I turned 30, I was expecting a traumatic experience. There was a little trauma (I found my 1st gray hair) but most of it was the build up. 30 wasn’t really all that bad… in retrospect. But, it wasn’t just about that day or even that year. By the time I was 32 I could see that there were some big physical difference from me at that age and me just 5 years younger. One of the big differences was my inability to party hard like I used to be able to in my 20’s. A lot of my changes were, admittedly, mental. I didn’t want to be out so late. And since I was married, I didn’t want male attention. But I remember in my 20’s being able to hang out all night and work the next day. Example: Age 26 found me with 2 jobs. Job one had me working 55 hours/week 8am-ish to sometimes 9pm. Job 2 had me working 36 hours from 7pm to 3am. I did this for maybe 2 years? I worked on my feet at both jobs. I don’t ever remember being wacked out tired. I still had a man, my friends, my customs (hair ...

Day 57: Can you believe it?

Peace! I cannot let an auspicious moment pass like this…. I am on Day 57 of P90x!!!!! Yes! But the shocking part is…. I finally lost some damn weight! Only 3 lbs, but I’ll take it. I don’t know what happened. The ironic thing is I slouched on week 8’s workouts. I just came out of recovery week. I must say. Last week… I recovered! So much in fact that I only logged 1 workout. I’m not being down on myself at all. And I don’t consider it a failure. Recovery week was designed to be a time when the muscles rest. I just rested them a little more than the designers of P90x would have liked. I got right back on the good foot this morning (Week 9, Day 1) and did chest and back and ab ripper. Sometimes you need to be a little bad to get results. And I lost 3 frigging pounds! Plus all my clothes are getting loose, not too loose but loose enough for me to tell. And people are starting to notice that I am changing. Not the people that see me every day, but the other folks. Recovery week coi...


Peace. I put up a lot of bitching and moaning in yesterday’s post. But bitching and moaning is counterproductive if you don’t do anything about it. So I got on my handy dandy internet and researched why I’m not losing weight after all the effort I have expanded. What I found is the possibility that I may have put my body in starvation mode with my 1230 daily calorie restriction. Hmmm….. I suppose the fact that I am a chronic dieter had something to do with it as well. And all the fasting I’m good for. I have possibly ruined metabolism. All I can do is assure my body that food is coming and will continue to keep coming so that it can release what is on me. How am I going to do that in the confines of my goals? Well… That’s a good question. The P90x fitness plan says for my weight, I am supposed to consume 2250 calories/day. Hmmm…. According to MFP I am supposed to consume 1230 calories a day. Hmmm…. Somebody is lying. So I have decided to slowly up the calorie ante to see where I ...


Peace Good People! I am nearly through the 2nd phase of P90x. I’ve got nothing good to say. I’m letting you know up front, that this will probably turn into a bitch and moan session. So here we go… It’s official, today. I have NOT missed a single workout. One of the things I was afraid of was that I would get sick somewhere in the middle of the phase 2. That seems like the spot where most people get ill and fall completely off their game. I must have worried myself into said predicament because I got sick last week. Maybe sick is a bad description. My back went out last Friday. I could barely move. That was a yoga day. So there was no yoga that day; just a lot of rehab for my back. I got it to a place where I could do yoga on Saturday with modifications. I did Saturday’s workout on Sunday and Sunday’s last night. I would have done it yesterday morning but the time change threw me. Since I took Friday off, I didn’t have Monday off. So now I right back where I’m supposed to be. So I...

I know muscle weigh more than fat, Damnit!

Peace Y’all…. I know it’s been a minute since I have updated my P90x foolishness. And you probably thought I quit. I didn’t. I’m one of those people who see things to the end even if it’s a bad idea. I like to give everything a complete shot before I talk shit about it. I completed the 1st phase of P90x and the recovery phase and now I comfortable in the 2nd phase. I held off weighing myself until the recovery phase was complete….. I gained 5 lbs. So I have been pissed for the last few days. I guess the water and the green tea ain’t all that. But I shouldn’t be so crusty. I have lost 4 inches off my stomach and 3 inches off my chest. Clearly something is working. And I know I probably gained a lot of muscle. I assume that’s what’s going on with my arms. They haven’t changed in measurement but they aren’t as flimsy. My thighs haven’t changed either. But then again, I’m not sure I’m measurig them in the same position. They are less jiggly, though. The God has noticed tiny muscles spr...

Nettiiiieeee! (a la Color Purple)

Peace. I wanted to build this morning on something that is a regular part of my morning routine. The neti pot. I say regular part because I do this right after I shower. But if I’m running late, it’s the 1st thing I give up. I have owned one now for over a year and it has finally become a serious part of the toilette. What is that you ask? You have never heard of such a thing? Well let me explain…. A neti pot is a device used for irrigating the nasal passages. Typically it has a spout attached near the bottom, sometimes with a handle on the opposite side. It looks like a child’s toy kettle. Mine is made of recycled plastic. Neti pots flush out the nasal cavities by using gravity to draw the flow of saline. Now why do I do this? That is very easy to answer… I use it as an internal wash of my nasal passages. Follow me on this… Everyday we inhale and exhale. We don’t just inhale and exhale air and nothing else. We inhale impurities too. The hairs in our noses catch most of it. That...


Peace. It has been a week since I updated what’s happening in P90x world. I was off a lot last week. I don’t blog at home. I could, I suppose and occasionally I might. But it is rare because I have a lot of “home” stuff to do. This week begins my 1st recovery week and I got my wish…. If you know what I mean. It’s really not all that glorious. I have come to accept that all the P90x workouts are hard. Simple as that. I was expecting these recovery workouts to be easy peasy and they aren’t. Oh Well. No one said being fat was easy. I had a horrible realization…. I have been omitting the ab ripper x! I didn’t realize that there were 2 workouts every day you do strength training. I thought it was odd too that I was only doing abs once/week with legs and back. I re-read the information and saw my error. I guess I won’t have a 6 pack. Just a 4-pack. I’m going to add them in on week 5. Yet another error I need to admit, is that I fell off the raw bandwagon. I ate a half of pizza. I at...

Who is Scared of Plyometrics? Not Me!

Peace! Day Damnit 16!!!! And I feel GOOD!!!! And it was Plyometric day too! (So glad I didn’t take the pussy route and do cardio instead, feels like a real accomplishment) Let me tell you why I’m not dead, since every other time I’ve done Plyometrics I wanted to just collapse in a little ball. I changed my shoes, wore a better bra and I remember how to do all the moves. I have been dreading plyometrics since the last time I did it. I hate it. And it hates me right back. All that jumping is not good for the girls. Plus I realize that my old out of shape ass can’t jump anymore. When was the last time I jumped? Like college? Who frigging knows! But jumping around is not something a normal adult female does on the regular. I’m not saying I got completely airborne; but I did more of the modified jumping than I ever have. So I’m developing a tolerance. Yay. I decided to use regular sneakers versus the 5 finger toe shoes. There is more to the shoe. More shock absorption so landing...

Day 15

Peace Day 15. 75 more days to go! Can’t think about it like that or I’ll snap! This is not just day 15, it’s the beginning of week 3. That last week in phase 1 before the recovery week. This morning’s workout was a lot different from Day 1 and Day 8. I knew what I was doing. I knew what was expected. I didn’t take the whole time. I could move ahead. One of the things that slow me down is getting on the Total Gym for the pull ups. Because I knew what was coming, I could move at my own pace and take my time. I broke my tennis bracelet rushing to get on and off the TG. I’m impressed with my push up ability. Yes they are girl push ups! But prior to P90x there were no pushups girly or otherwise. And after I was done, I felt terrific! Really terrific! I realize that P90x is only for 90 days a pop and it’s not designed to be life long, but I have come to realize with this experience and experiences past, that exercise need to be a daily activity for the rest of my life. Peace

Mean Mugging on Vacation

Peace Today is my P90x rest day. And I am loving it…. A lot! I know I could do the stretching video but I don’t want to. And I don’t have to!!!!!! Also I find it wonderful that to day is Valentines Day as well. Not that I celebrate it, but I do plan to eat all candies given to me with no guilt. 14 days into P90x and 21 into raw foods (with some cheating) I feel great. The scale only gave up 1 lb, but my clothes have some ease fresh out of the dryer. I’ll take it. What is the difference between last summer and now? I’m guessing 1 of 2 possible things…. Either water intake or cardio. I drank a ridiculous amount of water last May. I was shooting for 100 oz/day. I admit that was a lot. And it made me pretty uncomfortable. Also I was walking at least 1.5 miles/day. I kept up with the walking and didn’t see continued changes. But I dropped the water as soon as June 1st rolled around. I’m thinking I will up my water intake this week and see if that affects the progress on the scale. I ...

This made me laugh



Peace! Though that's not what I'm feeling.... I got on the scale this morning. I did it after a morning visit to the ladies, but before my workout (shoulders and arms) and the 32 oz (2lbs) of water I drink then. I frigging gained 2 lbs! I am not happy. Now I know I have been eating bits of cooked foods, but not to excess. I have still remained High-Raw. AND... I have been killing myself to do these workouts! I did read on the website that women are especially prone to gain around 5lbs when they start the program. They say if you stick with it for the long haul, we will lose that weight and then some. I swear it better be the truth. Because I will hunt down Tony Horton and punch him in the eye if I don't decrease. So I'm taking that bit of chi with me.... On a brighter note... I saw a muscle in my left upper arm fat. A good one too. It didn't move or go away when I touched it. I suppose all them weights, push ups and chin ups might be doing something after...

I Don't Like....

I have been through the 1st phase week and I have a sense of what I like and don’t like. I don’t like Plyometrics. And I kind of don’t like the yoga. Both leave me very drained, but that’s not why I dislike them. The plyometrics is an intense cardio workout. I’m okay with that. And it focuses a lot on sports moves. Not being much of an athlete, I recognize that my body needs to learn said moves. But all that jumping is not good for me and my Cooper’s ligaments. I didn’t like this workout last week and I didn’t care for it today. I can’t do all that jumping. It’s killing my boobs. And making me very winded to the point of near syncope. Even modified moves are a bit too much. Today, while jumping, I landed on my knee funny. Now it’s sore while I’m typing this. And I’m sitting down. That can’t be good. Also, I have been doing pylo in my 5 finger toe shoes. Maybe I should use thicker soled sneakers. So next week I will try to find a bra to fit and thicker shoes. One of the biggest surp...

Day 8:90

Okay…. Yesterday I was so geeked of having finished my 1st of 13 weeks of P90x that I didn’t get all up and through the nitty gritty of the thing. There are a few things that have me VERY concerned regarding P90x… 1. I see from the blogs and such that many people fall off the bandwagon and don’t make it the full 90 days. This was never a thought for me, but now it is. I don’t want to have to make up any of these workouts. They are hard enough. 2. I guess this deserves its own category. I’m afraid of not finishing the 90 day program. I know today is day 8 and day 90 seems so far away. I mean I’m scheduled to finish May 2nd. Really? 3. I’m concerned about my health. I wasn’t sick all of 2010. Didn’t need to go to the doctor at all, for anything. I have been googling any and everything related to P90x and it seems like across the board, between 30-60 days folks get a flu that knocks them on their asses. I’m not interested in that. 4. Also, there are some people that at the end ...

Week 1 with P90x + Raw Foods

Good Morning People! This is my update about the programs I am working. Remember? I somehow, without my noticing, became a fat morbidly obese slob? I have been relatively raw for the last 2 weeks and working out using the P90x Classic plan. Let me start off by saying that P90x is an advanced workout. Yeah, I know they say this all over the infomercial and on the website (I watched it again this morning), but I didn’t believe them. Also, P90x takes an investment of time. There isn’t a workout that is less than an hour. Some about an hour and a half. So you need to have time to perform them. It’s a 90 day plan and the sequence changes every 4 weeks or so with a week of recovery every 4th week. The only odd bit of equipment needed is a chin up bar. But for some strange coincidence, I have one. Go figure. Essentially the program alternates between weights and cardio. The cardio is called “Plyometrics,” “Kenpo” and the weights have a bit of cardio in them. There is also a long Yoga com...

A Question for the Rawbies Out There.....

Peace! This is my official 2nd week High-Raw. I'm not 100% raw. I have to cook for the God. And I taste his food to make sure it's prepared correctly. I don't see that changing. Also, sometimes, the opportunity presents itself to eat some cooked food that I find irresistible. When that happens I take it. For example; this woman came into the office unsolicited and offered me a FREE veggies sub sandwich. How could I not eat that? The bread was the only thing cooked on it. I still ate it... and enjoyed it. I mean to make this is a long term thing. So it would be self-defeating to declare myself 100% raw from now until the winter equinox, when I know I have some travel plans and events pending. Hell Friday is my 2nd anniversary. There will be plenty of good cooked vegan food for me and my God. So I am not 100%.... But I am 90-95%; and that ain't bad. Here is my question. I appreciate any and all answers.... I've been flirting with this raw thing for more than a few yea...


Peace Family, I started the P90x home workout program. That's all I have to say right now. Peace

10lbs Gone. Now the Next Step....

Peace I’m checking in on this weight loss thing. I lost 10 of the evil 20lbs. I called those 20lbs evil because they are 20lb over not my ideal weight, but the weight I generally tend to be. I’m not proud of the 10lb loss because (a) I’m certain that a lot of that was cycle weight and (b) I’m old school with this diet thing. I know that the 1st week usually sports a great deal of weight loss that you won’t see again. The southeast also had an incredibly nice weekend full of warm weather and sunny skies. I took advantage of it and got out into creation! The God and I went for a walk on Saturday on a walking trail. We logged 2 miles on said trail. And yesterday we went hiking. It was mad cool, but I had to be pushed. I ain’t shamed to say it kicked my ass. I’m out of shape. That is completely clear to me. But I have plans…. I was building with the God and I mentioned that I was interested in doing the P90x home workout plan. Being the good God that he is, he got it for me. Peace to the G...