Iron Deficiency
I don't always remember what I say here and quite frankly I'm too lazy to go back and check. So you know I'm telling the truth since I wouldn't be able to remember a lie!
I, as a woman, have suffered from iron poor blood since puberty. I remember going to the pediatrician and him giving me a Rx for iron and my mother throwing it away away and telling me, "All women are iron deficient. It's the price for womanhood." Now I don't know if DFACs is retroactive, because she needed to spend some time in lock up because of her wisdom. What I got from that it was my lot to suffer as a woman and to blow off my iron levels. Fast forward to 2002. I had fibroids so bad I couldn't stand upright. I was in constant pain and needed to have surgery but was so iron deficient that I required 3 transfusions. 1 before, 1 during and 1 after. Add to the stew, there was rampant infection in the blood supply. I ended up waiting 2 months before my blood was strong enough to deal with surgery. Thanks Mommie!
One thing I did learn, was how to tell what my iron was doing without having blood drawn. And that's what this build is about. It will get nasty. Be ready for it.
1st. When I was taking large quantities of iron in pill form, is changed my BMs. color and texture. I have learned that if my BM is not dark brown, almost Black, then I'm not getting enough iron. The pills made them hard and itchy. That part is not necessary. I'm thinking there was something with the pills themselves that did that.
2nd. My braiding tech told me that in her country, girls were taught to tell what their iron was doing by looking in the white of their eyes. If my mother said. "Your eyes look weak" then I knew my iron is low.
3rd. Since my emergency had me taking iron pills, iron shots and increased my intake of iron foods, I saw a change in my energy levels. And now I can tell that those energy levels where my iron is. If I'm tired and lethargic. If I need more than 8 hours of sleep per night to get through the day, then my iron is low.
4th. I will give blood whenever I'm eligible just to see. I have been turned away more than I care to tell you because my iron is not up to par.
Okay. I know when my iron is low. How do I get it up? Pills? No. I can live without my ass intensely itching. I know that my period depletes me of iron. The redness in the blood is VERY saturated. And I have noticed the the volume each month is increasing. I probably have another fibroid. But I'm too old to care at this point. I'm ready to crone.
I juice beets. 1/4 beet in juice for the week of my period and then 1/4 per week after. I make sure that I combine the beets with lemon juice. Citrus releases more iron from the beet that would happen without. That is usually enough to handle me. Be mindful, beets will make your BM red... like blood. It's just the beets. Don't flip out.
There is a lot of spinach on the weekly dinner table. Also eaten with citrus usually in the form of lemon. I can't really drink OJ. It hurts my mouth, throat and stomach. I can eat oranges, though. But if I juice them... pain! Go figure.
There is also a lot of kale salad and kale chips and broccoli salad in the summer (I have no clue why I only want broccoli salad in the summer).... again with citrus. Those dietary changes keep my eyes healthy, poop dark and my energy up.
So there you have it. My iron issues solved. You can give them a try if you like. Unless you have a severe allergy to any of the above listed foods. This should aid you in retaining iron. And don't tell your daughters some cock and bull about this is your lot in life as a woman. I will hunt you down and slap the taste out of your mouth.
I don't always remember what I say here and quite frankly I'm too lazy to go back and check. So you know I'm telling the truth since I wouldn't be able to remember a lie!
I, as a woman, have suffered from iron poor blood since puberty. I remember going to the pediatrician and him giving me a Rx for iron and my mother throwing it away away and telling me, "All women are iron deficient. It's the price for womanhood." Now I don't know if DFACs is retroactive, because she needed to spend some time in lock up because of her wisdom. What I got from that it was my lot to suffer as a woman and to blow off my iron levels. Fast forward to 2002. I had fibroids so bad I couldn't stand upright. I was in constant pain and needed to have surgery but was so iron deficient that I required 3 transfusions. 1 before, 1 during and 1 after. Add to the stew, there was rampant infection in the blood supply. I ended up waiting 2 months before my blood was strong enough to deal with surgery. Thanks Mommie!
One thing I did learn, was how to tell what my iron was doing without having blood drawn. And that's what this build is about. It will get nasty. Be ready for it.
1st. When I was taking large quantities of iron in pill form, is changed my BMs. color and texture. I have learned that if my BM is not dark brown, almost Black, then I'm not getting enough iron. The pills made them hard and itchy. That part is not necessary. I'm thinking there was something with the pills themselves that did that.
2nd. My braiding tech told me that in her country, girls were taught to tell what their iron was doing by looking in the white of their eyes. If my mother said. "Your eyes look weak" then I knew my iron is low.
3rd. Since my emergency had me taking iron pills, iron shots and increased my intake of iron foods, I saw a change in my energy levels. And now I can tell that those energy levels where my iron is. If I'm tired and lethargic. If I need more than 8 hours of sleep per night to get through the day, then my iron is low.
4th. I will give blood whenever I'm eligible just to see. I have been turned away more than I care to tell you because my iron is not up to par.
Okay. I know when my iron is low. How do I get it up? Pills? No. I can live without my ass intensely itching. I know that my period depletes me of iron. The redness in the blood is VERY saturated. And I have noticed the the volume each month is increasing. I probably have another fibroid. But I'm too old to care at this point. I'm ready to crone.
I juice beets. 1/4 beet in juice for the week of my period and then 1/4 per week after. I make sure that I combine the beets with lemon juice. Citrus releases more iron from the beet that would happen without. That is usually enough to handle me. Be mindful, beets will make your BM red... like blood. It's just the beets. Don't flip out.
There is a lot of spinach on the weekly dinner table. Also eaten with citrus usually in the form of lemon. I can't really drink OJ. It hurts my mouth, throat and stomach. I can eat oranges, though. But if I juice them... pain! Go figure.
There is also a lot of kale salad and kale chips and broccoli salad in the summer (I have no clue why I only want broccoli salad in the summer).... again with citrus. Those dietary changes keep my eyes healthy, poop dark and my energy up.
So there you have it. My iron issues solved. You can give them a try if you like. Unless you have a severe allergy to any of the above listed foods. This should aid you in retaining iron. And don't tell your daughters some cock and bull about this is your lot in life as a woman. I will hunt you down and slap the taste out of your mouth.