Get it In!
I have stated probably ad nauseaum that I am a vegetarian and have been since 2000. Well this might change.
I have been experiencing odd symptoms. I have had an intense brain fog. Not your ordinary run of the mill brain fog, but some up-in-your-face-I-don't-remember-where-I-live brain fog. Even though I claim long term vegetarianism, I was still eating fish once a week until 2009. I would notice that if I went long term without fish I would get stupid. Then I eat some fish and I'd go back to being fine.
I had a car accident in June and have been seeing health care practitioners more than usual. The doctors did some bloodwork on me and told me that I have a severe B12 deficiency. Now I know vegetarians get B12 deficiencies like child bearing women become iron deficient. It is part of the lifestyle. And I kind of have been supplementing since 2009. But you know from previous posts that I don't like supplements and prefer to get mine in through diet. BUT... I wasn't expecting all the information that I received.
B12 deficiency can cause infertility. By interfering with the quality of eggs released and/or implantation. Damn! Also, B12 deficiency can cause an increase in BP, panic attacks, depression and a whole sort of other shit other than just memory loss. All of which I have been experiencing.
Let me tell you why I am convinced this is what my deal is... The God is also feeling the same way. He is not having the severity of mood swings that I'm experiencing, but he reports a good bit of memory loss. I asked him if he was feeling stupid since becoming a vegetarian in July of 2010. Instantly he responded, "Is that what that is?" I didn't have to explain or describe anything to him. He just got it. Since we are both exhibiting the same symptoms with the same diet, I will give it more credence than if it was just me.
I know everything ain't for everybody. I have often wondered why folks would be a vegetarian for years, months and days and and go back to flesh. Seems very zombie like. But I get it now. I remember when I was raw fooding , I was not only stupid but COMPLETELY ungrounded. Very frightening. So I knew that 100% raw was not for me and only use it now as a cleanse. But since I started off as a pescatarian, I can go back to that. I felt good there. And maybe these different issues will clear up and I will go back to feeling like myself. I won't be going back to full fledged meat... I don't think... But let's be honest, if I have to eat meat to live, then them animals got to go.
I have stated probably ad nauseaum that I am a vegetarian and have been since 2000. Well this might change.
I have been experiencing odd symptoms. I have had an intense brain fog. Not your ordinary run of the mill brain fog, but some up-in-your-face-I-don't-remember-where-I-live brain fog. Even though I claim long term vegetarianism, I was still eating fish once a week until 2009. I would notice that if I went long term without fish I would get stupid. Then I eat some fish and I'd go back to being fine.
I had a car accident in June and have been seeing health care practitioners more than usual. The doctors did some bloodwork on me and told me that I have a severe B12 deficiency. Now I know vegetarians get B12 deficiencies like child bearing women become iron deficient. It is part of the lifestyle. And I kind of have been supplementing since 2009. But you know from previous posts that I don't like supplements and prefer to get mine in through diet. BUT... I wasn't expecting all the information that I received.
B12 deficiency can cause infertility. By interfering with the quality of eggs released and/or implantation. Damn! Also, B12 deficiency can cause an increase in BP, panic attacks, depression and a whole sort of other shit other than just memory loss. All of which I have been experiencing.
Let me tell you why I am convinced this is what my deal is... The God is also feeling the same way. He is not having the severity of mood swings that I'm experiencing, but he reports a good bit of memory loss. I asked him if he was feeling stupid since becoming a vegetarian in July of 2010. Instantly he responded, "Is that what that is?" I didn't have to explain or describe anything to him. He just got it. Since we are both exhibiting the same symptoms with the same diet, I will give it more credence than if it was just me.
I know everything ain't for everybody. I have often wondered why folks would be a vegetarian for years, months and days and and go back to flesh. Seems very zombie like. But I get it now. I remember when I was raw fooding , I was not only stupid but COMPLETELY ungrounded. Very frightening. So I knew that 100% raw was not for me and only use it now as a cleanse. But since I started off as a pescatarian, I can go back to that. I felt good there. And maybe these different issues will clear up and I will go back to feeling like myself. I won't be going back to full fledged meat... I don't think... But let's be honest, if I have to eat meat to live, then them animals got to go.