Mother Knows Best.....


If y’all read my blogs you know me and my moms have a tenuous relationship at best. At my advanced age I have decided that she cannot be reformed so I have taken her foolishness off my planet. We speak… mostly via email (we speak on the phone 1x/month). And we see each other no more than 5x/year. And I asked myself when she returned to the essence, would I feel guilty about our state of affairs? And the answer truly is no. When I’m with her, I’m stressed and unhappy. I do my duty as a daughter to her. And I’m good with the way things are.

But… One of the last times I saw her we went shopping. A mutually enjoyed hobby. I saw some BAD ASSED heeled sandals. Lawdemercy, they had to be 4”. I’m still getting moist as I think about them good sisters. My mother looked at the hotness on my feet and said, “Those shoes are nice. But they will break your uterus.” What? I was convinced that I needed to start investigating nursing homes because clearly my mother is losing it.

I am nearly 5’4”. I’m not going to share how much away from that actual height I am. Suffice to say, I’m short. I will wear heels to a sporting event, the park, the grocery store, wherever . I have heeled sneakers for when I’m being casual. My cousin came to the house one day and wanted to borrow a pair of casual shoes. She couldn’t find anything she considered casual because ALL my shoes were heels. So you see my dilemma. Why wouldn’t a girl want to be a little taller? And my mother used to be well heeled. Until her ankles and feet got swollen from her heart condition, she used to totter around on the highest and most ornate stilettos. Barefoot, I’m taller than she is. She says she understands my motivation to wear heels but that the practice is not good for me. She said she felt like she couldn’t say anything because that’s how she rolled for a minute. And her mother before her (and my MaMa was born in 1908 and she was super short!).

While taking a break from the nursing home research I happened to Google what she said. And guess what? She was right. Consistently wearing high heeled shoes can and will damage your uterus. Who knew? I guess Mommie did. High heel wear can cause uterine atrophy, and mal-position of the uterus. What have I been doing to myself? I have been wearing heels for a minute. I am short. No wonder I don’t have children. I might have birth controlled myself to infertility!

So now what? Well, I don’t wear the heels daily like I used to. And when I do wear them, I wear them for the function at hand and carry flats with me. When I have them on, I sit more than I stand. And I never wear heels when I have my menses.

I wonder what else she knows……



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