RtR: Day 29

It's almost over y'all!!!

I am really very excited that I'm almost through with this cleanse. Yes I feel better. Yes I look better. But I am craving all manner of cooked foods. It's worse than it was at the beginning. Then the detox was all physical. Now I'm feeling tortured by the loss of food. Sigh......

Back to business. Last night I started a liver flush. I've done it before and got stones. Now I just get powdery looking stuff. I always do a liver flush at the end of a fast or cleanse. Fasting can cause the liver to retain stones since you generally don't ingest foods that need bile. That bile backs up in the liver and causes stones. I got stone release the 1st time I did it, but every flush since then yields only chaff. Its cool. I'll take the bowel cleansing as the best part. I do it quarterly. Here is the recipe I always use. http://curezone.com/cleanse/liver/huldas_recipe.asp

Since I got the booty squirts, I have not exercised today. I'll make up for it tomorrow. I don't usually exercise on Sundays so it evens out. Since I'm cleaning out things I have only eaten a little. Mostly juice, water, and celery.

I'm so happy It's almost over. Bring on the coffee.



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