Correcting the Errors of Living: Soy

You hear so much about it. It’s good. It’s bad. Basically, it’s confusing. One thing that is generally agreed upon is that it is a phyto-estrogen. Meaning it’s a plant source of an estrogen like source, close enough to act like estrogen in the body. Excess estrogen has been linked to fibroids and certain forms of cancer. ( I as a non-menopausal woman, make enough estrogen naturally. I don’t need a supplement. Men neither need supplements either. They are developing hips. ( Also think about this… if soy is acting in the body as a hormone then it is through off not only that hormone, but all hormones. Hormones run the body. So it is in effect screwing with the electrical system of the body.

Soybeans are on the list for genetically modified foods. They are roundup ready. GMO’s are such a new technology that long term effects are not known. (

Most people think that soy is something that folks have to intentionally ingest. Meaning they ate soy on purpose. No… Most food have soy as an integral part. Soy lecithin is in very nearly processed food. So everyone, vegetarian, vegan and omnivore all eat soy. (

People want to point out that there are people in other cultures who eat soy and live to be very aged. Yet they don’t point out that those people have many lifestyle differences that all play a role in the effect. They don’t live here. I want to know how people here in the U.S. live to be aged, because in all likelihood, I will be aging here. Plus their soy is not genetically modified.

I don’t trust it. But I recognize it is hard to avoid. I say eat a whole food, non-processed diet to reduce the soy exposure and choose your soy food items sparingly.


PS: Don’t like my links? Do the Knowledge for self. Like you know you should be doing.


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