Who? Me?

I was talking on the phone last night, should have been building, but I was in fact talking. And I shared a small fact from my past with the person I was speaking with. This person not only actually listened, but cross referenced the information with other information that I had given in the past, just in passing. Gotta be more careful! Anywho…. This person said something that made me stop, think and begin researching. It went like this….

Me: “I ran track for 2 years in high school. The 1st year, I didn’t run. But I
managed to get it together by the second year so I could run a little”
Other: “Why couldn’t you run that 1st year?”
Me: “I had to train myself to run straight”
Other: “What’s wrong with your running?”
Me: “It’s hard for me to walk straight. So you know running is a challenge.”
Other: “Hmmmmm……”

I am being purposefully vague about who the other person is. This is my blog and it’s all about me! But the other person was absolutely right and exact. And I feel/felt like Boo Boo the Fool because I had never noticed or considered this before.

Here is the list… I have documented scoliosis (kept me from becoming a cheerleader). I am pigeon toed and bow legged. One of my legs and corresponding hip is ever so slightly shorter/higher than the other. I have a slightly noticeable limp, but I have worked it over the years so that it appears as a wiggle rather than a limp. I trip a lot. I had to wear orthodontic headgear for a couple of years and corrective shoes. My ole Earth’s paternal grandmother had legs so bowed that it significantly shortened her stature. And her son, my maternal grandfather, had on leg significantly longer than the other. YET I have never considered that I might have some type of skeletal deformity until my homie pointed it out. I am understand build years! SMH. Just sad.

Y’all probably are wondering why this has gone unnoticed so long. I, too, wonder this very same thing. You have to understand me and my nature. I am big on not paying attention to stuff unless it has specifically been shown and proven that it’s something that requires my attention. This situation never gave me pause for a second thought. My family has the same proclivities. For example: My maternal grandmother had to have a kidney removed and she mad restricted her diet for years. Refusing to eat this and that. She had a slight frame and had horrible teeth. We always drew this up as she was just being particular. My ole Earth was diagnosed with diabetes and we were all shocked. No one in our family has ever had sugar! But wait… MaeMae did have problems with her kidneys and she never ate anything sweet. Oh she would cook sweet foods, but I cannot bear witness that she ever ate any herself. Come to think of it, the tips of her fingers were dark. But the people closest to her, who took care of her until she had to be hospitalized deny she had sugar. My cousin works in the hospital were she died and looked through her medical records. Guess what? She did in fact have diabetes. No one had ever considered this. I guess I got it honest. Is it denial or really severely minding our own business?

So now what? I supposed I need to go talk to some professional about what might possibly be the issue. I need to see if there is a problem that needs to be addressed. I suppose I really should lose some weight. My knees have begun to give some problems here and there. Everything happens for a reason. Time to man up and face reality. Forgive the cliches.



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