I'm Done
I need for y’all to know… This was a very uncomfortable fast. Not because I wanted to cheat. I didn’t. Nor because I was tempted and whatever. Nope. I have been sick for a minute. For nearly 2 of the 3 weeks of this fast. And I still ain’t right. It is a combination of detox/flu/and hormones. Let me tell you…. That is not a good combination. I came to work last Monday because I had watched too much CSI and didn’t want to be found dead in my home months after I died. I figured a public death would force folks to see about me. I tried to end the fast early because of the continued illness and my body rejected the food. Ain’t like I tried to end it with a pizza or something. Just some soup. And the soup came up for an encore performance.
I don’t want to give the impression that fasting is bad. It isn’t. I have never suffered in the past as I have suffered this time. I bet I’m a modicum healthier for it. I enjoyed the clarity and I lost a lot of weight. I have set a new weight loss goal that seems very doable right now. 20 more lbs by my November bornday. That’s a really good and achievable goal. My bornday is more than 6 months away. 20lbs is not so much.
Also I have set some new personal goals. A small (very small) vegetable container garden. A new job for me with benefits. That’s how adults roll. The God needs to find a job here, so that he can move here with me. He’s already agreed. And really move on this baby thing. I have given myself an expiration date of this year’s bornday. And I am not playing with that. I have lived my entire life according to everyone else’s timetable, time for someone to roll with mine.
Now on to my life after the fast…. RAW food! This is one of the things that prompted me to write this weblog in first place. I realize that 100% raw while still having any type of life outside my door is impossible. But coming between 75-100% is the goal. Even a lot of condiments used in raw food prep are not raw. Nama Shoyu, Liquid Aminos to name 2. But in my everlasting quest to remove synthetic/artificial substances from my life; I gotta handle my business as best I can. I have made some Goddess Kale chips, some pesto that will see the inside of a mushroom and my dehydrator tonight and I have some grouts sprouting in the kitchen windowsill for some granola in a few days. I have plans for lemon cookies, raw brownies, tzatki and Greek salad. I refuse to have a bored palate.
So folks…. I'm taking suggestions. Any good ideas? Will me your good intentions and I will invite you to dinner!
I don’t want to give the impression that fasting is bad. It isn’t. I have never suffered in the past as I have suffered this time. I bet I’m a modicum healthier for it. I enjoyed the clarity and I lost a lot of weight. I have set a new weight loss goal that seems very doable right now. 20 more lbs by my November bornday. That’s a really good and achievable goal. My bornday is more than 6 months away. 20lbs is not so much.
Also I have set some new personal goals. A small (very small) vegetable container garden. A new job for me with benefits. That’s how adults roll. The God needs to find a job here, so that he can move here with me. He’s already agreed. And really move on this baby thing. I have given myself an expiration date of this year’s bornday. And I am not playing with that. I have lived my entire life according to everyone else’s timetable, time for someone to roll with mine.
Now on to my life after the fast…. RAW food! This is one of the things that prompted me to write this weblog in first place. I realize that 100% raw while still having any type of life outside my door is impossible. But coming between 75-100% is the goal. Even a lot of condiments used in raw food prep are not raw. Nama Shoyu, Liquid Aminos to name 2. But in my everlasting quest to remove synthetic/artificial substances from my life; I gotta handle my business as best I can. I have made some Goddess Kale chips, some pesto that will see the inside of a mushroom and my dehydrator tonight and I have some grouts sprouting in the kitchen windowsill for some granola in a few days. I have plans for lemon cookies, raw brownies, tzatki and Greek salad. I refuse to have a bored palate.
So folks…. I'm taking suggestions. Any good ideas? Will me your good intentions and I will invite you to dinner!