How are we meant to eat?


I've been “high-rawing” all this month and I have some thoughts on it. It's a good way to eat if you want to heal. And when you get to a certain age, there is much healing that needs to happen even if you don't think so. Especially if you've been living savagely. Do I think it's the best diet of all time? No. Do I think it's safe and responsible to do for a measure of ones lifetime? No. Do I think you can eat like this long term. Yes.

The reason I have developed this particular Cee, is because I have noticed that a lot of the Raw gurus have gone backed to cooked foods. Also I have noticed that many of the gurus who stuck with this plan no longer look healthy. This caused me to go back and do the Knowledge. And that is why and how I came to the above conclusion. Raw foodism is a healing diet, but not a forever diet.

I've been healthy-mindful-ayurvedic eating for almost 20 years. I'm also a dentist. I believe that I am the best knower of my own health. I feel best after a long term fast when I am eating 50:50 raw:cooked with minimal soy and no meat. And that's what I recommend. But before one can get there one must do prophylactic treatments. Fasting is one; raw-vegan eating is another.

A friend of mine wanted to lose weight and after we chatted about her health and previous experiences here was my suggestion.... become a vegan for at least 2 months without slipping... Then complete a 21 day juice fast. Eat raw vegan until you reach your goal. Then go back to being a vegan for the rest of your life. I told her she didn't have to go it alone. That I'd be right in the trenches with her. Guess what? She's 15 lbs away from her goal Down 65lbs. She's also off all her meds. No more high blood pressure or diabetes. No more swollen ankles. She can't shut up. I did tell her if she gained the weight back she wouldn't be able to use the same process to get rid of it. It's a 1” and done” kind of deal. She claims to understand but who can really tell?

Raw is for perfecting health, not living forever on it.

And I want to build a bit about this tooth controversy. Omnivores will tell you that humans have the dentition to support eating meat... Ok. And vegans will tell you humans have the dentition to support only eating veggies. Ok too. Humans have both tearing and grinding teeth. Meat eating animals have shorter digestive tracks and sharp back teeth than humans and herbivore animals. Also they prefer the innards of animals rather than the muscles. Herbivore animals have seriously long digestive tracks and multiple stomachs. They ONLY have grinding teeth and no sharp ones. I you look at the animals, they don't cook their food. They eat them raw. Human innards and teeth are a mix between the 2. Humans have both tearing and grinding teeth and we have vestigial organs along the GI tract whose function is not known anymore. We are more in-between beings. But our intelligence allowed us to harness fire and cook our foods. And that is how we are meant to eat 50:50.

My thoughts, my opinions.



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