The City of Wellness Continued....


I get why I didn't like this "City of Wellness" book. Now i want you to know I haven't finished it. I am almost half way through it. It is not a complicated read. I'm just forcing myself to read it because there is so much I find fault with....

First, I want to ask y'all if y'all ever heard Queen Afua speak before? I have seen her on 3 occasions, but I have never heard her utter a sound. Her handlers do that. I'm wondering if they wrote this book too. this is so not "Heal thyself" or "Sacred Woman." Both of which I have read on numerous occasions and would read again.

I find this book, preachy and judgey. I have heard that vegetarians are arrogant compared to meat eaters. I stopped eating meat 14 years ago. I never held it against anyone. But I have come across the "veg-police" who want to scrutinize everything on another person's plate. Even if the scrutinzee has more "veg-seniority" than the scrutinizer. I find that to be true with this book. Plus everything ain't for everybody. Not everyone can prosper on a vegetarian diet. Those people get blamed for or threatened with illness. That's not conducive for people to listen to you.

Another thing (among many) that bothers me is it will give incomplete recommendations. For example, It will say avoid heavy starches and then give a moderately complete list of food with their starch equivalents. But never say what makes a "heavy starch." Shit like that bothers me. If you are going to put it out there, you need to put out all the information. Don't assume that your readers are nutritionists.

Also this book is REALLY pushing the purchase of Queen Afua products. Most of the recipes call for their use. That's just dead wrong. I live in Atlanta and never knew of, or saw any product that she made. Yes, I can get hold of them online, but I'm not. There are a plethora of health food stores in my are. I'm quite sure what she is selling is not anything that doesn't already exist.

She says, (and I'm paraphrasing) "...don't worry if the food is nasty, because what matters is that it is good for you..." Like folks are going to really disregard the pleasure of eating. The only people who will do that are the death door sickies. And they are probably too far gone to do anything but live a few months more.

I am on page 123 of 358. It won't finish this book until July, because I'm only reading it at lunch. I do not want to read this book at home and I'm easily distracted with it while at work.

Still I'm taking the best part. There are a few ideas I'm going to try in the book. Like juicing more. It's summer, I have been waiting all year for this season and I am going to enjoy the fruits in juice form. I actually make my own green powder so I will incorporate that in the juicing. I also have spirulina and aloe in the fridge. I'll be using those as well.



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