Resulting Insanity with a Plan


I’m not going to blog like crazy about this self imposed food restriction. I ain’t. I swear I ain’t. But I have made some goals and had a few experiences in the last 24 hours that I want to share.

First…. I have decided on a loss goal. I ain’t sharing the number because y’all don’t get to be all up in my business like that. No. Not really, Teehee… I’m ashamed of the number and recognize that this must be done in phases. So for the 1st phase I have decided to go half the distance to the 1st goal. That is the short term. And since this is January, I expect to be done with phase 1 by the end of the year. A year is enough time to complete phase 1.

Now. I KNOW some of that weight was cycle weight. Yeah I still have one of those!!!! Because I am 3lbs lighter when I got on the scale this morning. And NO I will not be getting on the scale every day. It was just so disturbing yesterday I had to be sure.

Here is another thing, and this is why I’m so shocked at the weight gain…. My clothes still fit. It’s not like my style is super loose. But I have noticed that my midsection is thickening. Especially in the front. Also, my feet have grown a shoe size. I have been the same shoe size for 30 years. And I have been having headaches, which I only get around my cycle, for over a month now. But my cycles still comes when scheduled. Me and the God have been having a ridiculous amount of unprotected sex. I will take a pregnancy test just to make sure. I would have taken one this morning but I forgot. When you gotta go who is thinking about catching it?

I ate well yesterday, but not nearly enough. I blame yesterday’s and today’s headache on that. I managed to be high raw yesterday. I ate a hard boiled egg and a few chick peas in my big salad. And I shamefully munched on double chocolate covered peanuts while shopping for raw food fixins in the grocery store. Oh well. Baby steps. I did eat breakfast this morning. Kim chi (sp) and crackers. I packed a big salad and some fruit. For dinner I probably will eat some cooked food. Doubles. But I’ll build on that in another post. I’m good today. Let’s see how this holds up. And I won’t be getting back on that evil scale until Monday!



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