I’m crazy embarrassed. I have no words. If you are a long term follower of this blog, you know that I haven’t gotten on a scale since 2009. It was my resolution to not weigh myself or fool with my diet too much so that I could reset my metabolism. I was enjoying it too! My God moved down to Allah’s Garden in July 2010. He decided that he was going to transition to vegetarianism so that we had the same diet. He has lost over 20lbs. And that is to be expected. I thought I might have gained a few pounds because I have been eating with him since we are a family. I got on the scale this morning. I have gained 20 lbs since 2009. Not a good look. It’s all I can think about.
I don’t know when and where this weight came from. But I do know one thing. It has to go. I have been scouring the internet for ways to decrease that matches my lifestyle. Yes this really sucks. But I intend to be successful in this affair. I have my vanity to consider after all.
I am one of those people that puts weight on quickly. I used to be able to take it off quickly but that ability is gone. My entire family is overweight. My brother must weigh 500lbs. I am an admitted snacker. But I suppose now my snacks will have to change. I had some success on raw food. And people who have gone raw seem to lose weight. Maybe that’s an option. I had planned to go raw for the summer. I felt good and strong last year when I was raw. I’m thinking that I may start now rather than later. B.U.T…..! I get colder when I go raw. Meaning my body temp drops which means my metabolism is slowing down. That doesn’t work if you are striving to lose weight.
So far, it's looking like this. I will eat 3 meals a day. One of them will be a smoothie. I will get in all the fruits and veggies that's required on the pyramid. I will not eat after 7ish. No more sodas. No added sugar. And why was I adding sugar anyway when I have the mother load of stevia in the cupboards?
And sadly…. I’m going to need to find an exercise. YUCK!!!! I HATE exercising. Since I have begun to drive to work (and that’s not going to change) I don’t have the walking thing happening anymore. I could come to work early and walk before work, but it’s too cold. I could walk at lunch, but I don’t get a long lunch and after work I need to get home. There is exercise on On Demand. I bet there is some good stuff since its January. I’ll check that out. But right now, I’m planning 2 mile walks on Fridays and Sundays and at least 30 minutes of something 2 other days in the week. That should be a good start.
And finally, water…. What can I say about water? I hate that too. My dosha is water and Earth so I don’t think I need as much as other doshas. And I am getting a crap load of water in the raw fruits and veggies. But I will drink 3 big glasses. That needs to be enough.
Anybody knows if those OTC diet pills work? I see a trip to GNC in my future.