

This is not an diet update because I'm on hiatus. But just because I'm on a break doesn't mean I don't have stuff going on. I have this skin thing happening with my face that I'm going to write about once I get a better handle on it. It's not that bad. I think it's actually promising. But that's not the nature of this Build. I haven't fleshed it all out yet. But this Build is about exercise.....

When I first started this deprivation diet. Yes, deprivation.... because I'm always fucking hungry.... and low-grade mad about it. But it's working so I can't complain too much. But here is the thing. With the exception of the 1st week, I haven't been exercising. Nope. Not at all. And I'm still losing. Why? I have no clue. When I reflect on successful diets of the past, most of them... with the exception of 1... I didn't exercise. Other less successful diets I was exercising and food restriction yet losing not weight. So.... WTF?

Should I be exercising while dieting?

The common answer is yes. But my body doesn't see it that way.

When I was running regularly, I didn't lose any weight. When I was training for my race, or when I was trying to lose weight for my 25th High School reunion, I was running 3 miles every other day, yet losing no weight. I was fit and tight... and that's it. So for me... maybe exercising while dieting isn't something I should be doing. My goal is to be thinner and fit. Not thinner and jiggly. Maybe I can't do them together.

I did Googled it of course.... Google stays close to the script. “Oh, you must be eating wrong if exercising causes you to stall”. Really Google? I'm writing down everything I'm eating so I'm not OVEReating and I'm following a prescribed diet. So either the diet people are wrong or Mr. Google is misinformed. Here is another lie they tell, “You aren't doing enough cardio.” What is running? If running is the fat burner they claim then I should have been rail then last year. Here is the other “You need to strength train. Muscle burns fat while you sleep.” Mmmm hmmm. Which is it liars??? “Muscle weighs more than fat.” I was told this at weight watchers. The rationale is develop the muscle and look good, and don't be concerned when you stop losing weight. Well isn't weight loss the POINT. I'm paying you each week and I get treats every 5lbs lost. So aren't you being hypocritical? “Maybe your doing too much.” This one I actually believe. Maybe.

I have a coworker that does crossfit. (She leaves early 2x/week for classes and talks about it incessantly). She was obese when she started and is currently obese after a year. She does have arm muscles in the fat though. When she makes a muscle, you can see it on the top, while the skin sags underneath. I'm assuming she hasn't lost much weight because (a) she doesn't look like she's lost any and (b) she's wearing her same clothes. Crossfit focuses on both strength AND cardio; plus she goes 4x/week. So...... She's also food restricting. Food restriction = diet. I've watched the crossfit games. Those people aren't all thin.

This is the thing that has taken me so long to come to grips with. Experts can be wrong. OFTEN wrong. We are conditioned to believe what so called experts say versus what our eyes say. I have been on enough diets in my life to be the best knower of my OWN body.

Since my hiatus is only going to be maybe a week or so longer, I probably won't begin an exercise regimen. I might do some walking since the weather is still nice. I noticed I feel better when I at least walk. And walking doesn't cause my weight loss to stall. My next hiatus is in January. It's a longer hiatus. I'll probably take the time then to tighten up. My winter/dark goal is to develop upper body strength and work on my core. My body is changing. I have to accept that and roll with the punches.

These are the thoughts I have this morning.



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