The Change.....


I am not in menopause. BUT... I have been getting the postcards letting me know it's coming. It reminds me of when I was just a little moon and I'd go to the pediatrician and he would whisper to my mother that I was showing signs of puberty and it wouldn't be long until I got my period. They would then both turn and look at me sadly like I was dying.

But its all good. I'm Culture Culture. This is what is supposed to be happening. If I was a Mayan I'd be dead by this age with 20 children and 100 grandchildren. But just because its coming doesn't mean I have to suffer.

Menopause is cause by the ovaries shutting down. They has a start.... they get a finish (9:10). Baby girls aren't born with estrogen excreting ovaries. That's what happens at puberty. So After 30+ years of working every single day, my ovaries have earned a retirement.

Menopause doesn't have to be scary or painful. When I realized that I had fibroids, I started research that (a) led me to become a vegetarian and (b) inadvertently began preparing me for menopause. Luckily, I started prepping in my 20's.

The big concern here is estrogen. The common therapy is to treat a natural estrogen loss with estrogen. Well....... I have questions... Where do you get the estrogen? If a human woman loses estrogen the most natural place to get it is from other human women right? Sounds creepy and Soylent Greeny. That's not where it comes from. It's comes from horse urine. I wouldn't want that in my mouth or on my skin.... also synthetic estrogen can increase your risk for cancer, heart disease, stroke.... You still want that? Another place to get estrogen is plant estrogens. Some plants make an estrogen-like substance that can be used to balance levels. But there is no way to ingest the amounts of plants necessary to replace what your body used to make. So there's that.

My next question is why do you need to replace the estrogen at all? I wasn't born with estrogen, why do I need it now that baby making is passed? Because then I would get old and that's not allowed here in the US of A. Getting old sans estrogen looks like moving backwards from puberty. There is an age that little girls and boys look alike. So going off estrogen for women looks like thickening around the waist and facial hair. Women start looking more.... masculine. We also start hunching a bit and other old people things. But those things would happen regardless. I'm focusing on the estrogen related effect of aging.

Another interesting aspect of American life is that 75% of American women will experience the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause. Especially the hot flashes. Do you know why? Americans OD on estrogen.


Americans are intense meat eaters. We eat that shit morning noon and night. We even snack on beef jerky. Most of the animals we consume are female, and females make their own estrogen. That's why their females. Seriously. Male versions of animals are (a) usually too aggressive to keep in a herd and (b) smaller than the female versions. So they are culled out of the population of animals we eat. The remaining herd is female. We eat cows not steers. We eat hens not roosters. Yes some farms will keep all their hens and send the roosters to freezer camp. But do you kill your own meat or do you get it from the grocery store? Yeah... I thought so. So if you are a standard American omnivore, you daily are ingesting large quantities of estrogen containing meat. Estrogen is store in fat. Fat storage is long term. So not only are you ingesting loads of estrogen, you're storing it for later. That estrogen will sit there until the fat is used.

Eating these excessive levels of estrogen your entire life will have an effect. Men, these days, are less manly then men 1 or 2 generations ago. The older generations didn't eat meat everyday and when they did, it was because they hunted or raised their own meat. They weren't OD-ing on grocery store estrogen. Today's men have gynocomastia, hips, hairless faces and soft voices. It reminds me of those futuristic movies where the people are all androgynous. Maybe we have written our history in advance. In countries where the people have more of a plant based diet, the women don't experience adverse menopausal symptoms. Their periods just get lighter and further apart until they are all gone.

I have a friend who is 3 years younger than I am. She has begun menopause with all the standard American symptoms. Dig this... she is mad with me because I haven't begun. She says I must have and I'm just hiding. All because I'm older than she is. SMH. No, it couldn't be that I've been a vegetarian for nearly 20 years.... No not that. It couldn't be because I'm super crunchy. Nope. It couldn't be because I refuse meds unless I'm dying. It couldn't be because I don't ingest highly processed or strive to stay away from genetically modified foods. Absolutely not. The yoga, the exercise....? Nothing? I'm older; therefore, I should be suffering right along with her. REALLY?

I say all this to say.... I'm going it naturally. When the time comes, I'm not going to go crazy with the horse urine and such. I'm a keep doing what I'm doing. And what ever comes... comes.



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