

I have not been feeling well. I was super stressed out a couple of weeks ago because I was planning my family reunion. But thankfully that's over. I asked for it too so I can't really complain.... much. You live and learn. So I kinda stopped eating well then because I was busy.I burned the candle at both ends and in the middle. After the reunion, when I should have been happy and relaxed I came down with something super freaky... headaches, dizziness, sinusitis, photosensitivity, nausea, vomiting, excessive tiredness, aches and pains, bloating, cramps, my eyes are defocusing and jiggling, diarrhea alternating with constipation AND I feel something moving around in my gut.... Like everything at once. I was/am still a fucking mess.

There is a thing going on called the . I really think this is what I have. Why do I think that? (a) Even though I don't live in Buckhead, I still live in NW Atlanta (Buckehead is in NW Atlanta), (b) I eat a lot of raw veggies, and (c) I eat sushi at least 1x/week. A couple of months ago, I built with a friend who told me about her and her sister having worms. The sister has the same diet I have. It came up during a colonic. Not mine, the sisters. Apparently colonics have come a long way from a tube in the hiney. Since then I have been doing the knowledge on all things parasitic.

I have always been wary of parasite cleanses. If you look at them, they take a long time to complete and there are usually at least 2 phases. I assumed the 1st phase was putting some parasites in you and the 2nd phase was pooping them out. You don't know what is in those capsules. You have to take their word for it. Plus they are super expensive and super inconvenient. I have always assumed they force you to have parasites to get the money's worth. But from my internet research... it seems like something that can't hurt. The only western way to diagnose a parasite is with a stool sample. I did that once before... Never again. If someone wants my poo, THEY are gonna have to collect it. I have NEVER done anything that nasty om all my life. And I took gross anatomy twice!

What's the harm? If there are worms in there the kit is gonna get them out. If not.. oh well. the product is all natural so I'm not concerned

This is my plan.... One little kit is not going to take care of the problem if there is one. If and when I start pooping worms I'm going to need a follow up plan... Yo.... how nasty is the thought of pooping out worms??? If I see a worm floating in the commode... I'm a have a problem. But my follow up plan is to repeat this process using Hulda Clark's method every quarter, I guess... forever? There is a lot of excess stuff in the kit capsules that I don't think is completely necessary.

So... Wish me luck!



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