Fasting Results and other things


I realized that I didn't give an update on how the 3 day fast went...

It's part of my internet persona. I learned a long time ago to never go back and check on how people respond to a post. I mean most normal people realize that the internet is (a) vast and (b) impersonal. Any and everybody could make a comment on something they have no frame of reference of exactly how it was meant. I read comments on blog posts but not comments of comments I make. Also, I find people who comment on comments don't ever make their own original comments. They just troll...

I remember back in the myspace days, I would read posts and comments on a topic in a forum and people would be catching all kinds of feelings. Unless someone makes a personal attack on you... like calls your name... let it ride. But I commented on a topic about dinosaurs. Dude was saying since they never saw a live dinosaur, he didn't believe they existed and said it was just a hoax perpetrated by the white man. I disagreed with his ideology. He.Went. Apeshit!!!! He went on my page and crafted a intense, long, and personal diatribe. I didn't see it right away. What notified me was the plethora of messages telling me how they liked my builds and they wanted me to keep commenting in the group. Then I got a message from the administrator asking me if old dude apologized because if he didn't he was gonna be removed from the group. I had no idea what he was talking about because I never go back and read comments of comments that I made. I went back and looked... and saw.... I felt dirty afterward. When homie eventually apologized, I tried to build with him so he could see the ridiculousness of his reaction. That was a wasted exercise. He said that he got offended that a woman would disagree with him. Didn't matter that I have several degrees in science and he didn't finish high school. He had a penis, therefore he couldn't be wrong. You can't fix that....

I've said all of this to say.... I'm funny about follow ups. Anywho....

The 3-day fast was good and needed. Day 1 wasn't so bad. Day 2 was more challenging and Day 3 was pure evil. I've said before the worst days of fasting are days1-3. After the 3rd day you aren't even hungry. But since my fast was only 3 days I got all of the ugliness with none of the benefits.

I did release a bit. I smelled HORRIBLE from day 2 & 3. My breathe and just me in general. I was also super tired. I slept most of day 2 & 3. My tongue was super coated for the 3 days too. It was 3 days full of yuck. I was planning to make smoothies and such but all I drank was a LOT of water, bits of coffee, and water and protein. Took vitamins too. I did drink some tea: purge, liver, raspberry...

I felt so much better by Sunday. Sunday, I bathed and scrubbed in salted, scented water. Washed my hair.... Flossed, exfoliated. Washed all my clothes. Changed the sheets. I felt so much better. I felt lighter and bouncier. I just came off a 3 week fast at the end of March. I feel like that cleansing should have lasted longer. I still fast every week too. I wasn't expecting such an intense reaction. I need to take another look at my lifestyle. I plan to complete another fast 9/20-22.

Another thing that I noticed was my tastebuds reset. After the big fast all I wanted to eat was salads and fruits. Eventually I started eating junk food again but it wasn't about want and more about time savers. This mini fast brought me back to the healthy neighborhood. Not to the door, but the neighborhood. I found that interesting though it was unexpected.



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