Yoga on the Moon

This build is extremely explicit and not for the faint of heart. Continue at your own risk.....

There is a school of thought that says that menstruating women should NOT perform yoga while on their cycles. There is another school that says it doesn't matter. Where do I fall on this educational spectrum? No clue.

The Anti school says that women should not put themselves in positions where the flow of blood could back up and cause a congestion in the uterus. Okay. I see that. The Pro school says it doesn't matter because women change their positions all the time without ill effects. And Where is it gonna go anyway? I see that too. I also want to add on that There is always some blood in the uterus regardless of whether it's coming out or not. It's not like the uterus is dry one day and full the day before the cycle begins. Blood builds up over time. So there is always a chance of congestion. And it's not like I don't go out of the house the five days I bleed. I still have to work, run errands and clean up. It's not like my life is on hiatus while I enter the Red Tent.

I am pro taking care of myself. When I have my cycle I feel miserable. The cramps, the bloating, the itchiness, the irritability, the lack of patience and discretion. Plus a lot of them asanas have me concerned whether my pad is going to shift or if a sudden move is going to send down a flood. I don't do yoga on the heavy days because of that. The lighter days, maybe. I feel better but not 100%. But if I take the whole week off, I hurt when I go back. I'm stiff and the poses don't come back easy.

So.... I need to find some "Period Yoga." I don't know why they don't have these classes already? They have men's yoga, hot yoga and prenatal yoga. Why not subtle, easy, lower back and uterine massaging poses designed to push the blood out faster without injury? I'm a have to comb my books and figure something out.....

Wishful thinking....



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