Drugs is Drugs

Peace Y'all,

Okay.... It is day 9 since I returned back to food. I ain't going to lie, I had moments of debauchery and feasting. But that is all past. For every bad meal I had, I suffered. I mean I ate a candy bar and got all sweaty and nauseated. (Y'all know what's up or down)That's not good. So I am back on mostly high raw food. I'd say 80-90%. I'm staying a way from large amounts of cheese too. They cause my salivary glands on my palate to swell. If that has every happened to you, you know it hurts. And stays hurting for almost 2 days. Cheese ain't worth that. But if I see some cooked food that I want, I'm eating it. I'm sticking to pretty much mostly raw and there are days where I am eating 100%.

Yesterday, I had a smoothie, some tea, raw cashews and a salad for lunch. That was it. Tea is a cooked beverage. You use hot water to extract it and the leaves are roasted. Double cooked. I mentioned before that I'm not really hungry in the evening so I don't force it. Evening eating makes me ravenous in the morning. Don't really get how or why that works like that. I suppose I'll have to switch up when I have folks in the house at night with me. We'll see how that goes.

I'm upping the reps of the 5 Tibetan Rites 1/week. I'm up to 8 right now. So that's 40 movements per session. That's cool. I'm still not used to the spins. They make me dizzy and queasy like drinking spins do. It's curious that spins are a part of the rites and also cause you to lose it after inebriation.

I'm still doing the daily walking and evening yoga. But I'm not forcing the yoga. If I get in 4-5 sessions a week, I'm satisfied. I will even do yoga and walk on Sundays. Since the workout is not so crazy, I don't need a day off to recover. I still feel good. It is my intention to make exercise a regular part of my life and do it multiple times a week rather than just on Saturdays.

I'm not feeling well today. Not feeling strong at all. To combat this feeling I juiced a bunch of veggies and threw in a beet. My eyes tell me my iron is low. That beet should help. I really hate taking packaged supplements. The way I see it is the diet should have vitamins and minerals already in it, so supplementation should be unnecessary. I also find it disturbing that people are so comfortable with just taking supplements all willy nilly. There is a lot of foolishness in those tablets other than said vitamins.

Example.... Years ago I got very sick and required surgery. I couldn't have the surgery immediately because my iron was too low. I would needed to have 3 transfusions (before during and after) and there was something wrong with the blood supply at the time. I had to wait 2 months for the surgery. The doctor suggested that I supplement. The supplements caused me to become very constipated and made my bootie itch. Then came the hemorhoids. After all that foolishness my levels weren't up to where they should be and he started me on a perscription liquid. Still.... it wasn't working right yet I experienced side effects. This was just me trying to increase my iron! Finally the doctor gave me a shot to temporarily stop my periods (and put me in temporary menopause) and biweekly iron injections. Inconvenient to say the least and I had an un-caring and un-sympathetic job.

There was an African woman who used to braid my hair who explained to me different ways of noticing when my iron was low and different things I could do to fix it naturally and with no side effects. She put me on to the beets, kale and food combining. Now I am a trained health care professional. I know what different foods have what in them. But the application, at the time was beyond me. Once I got her simple explantion an applied to to my situation, I was good. I went back and reread my food combining books that I had initally though was utter nonsense and took the best parts. Now I no longer suffer from vitamin deficiencies. And a LOT of systemic ailments are caused by deficiencies.

I really hate taking any kind of perscription medicine. I have never really ahd tremendous success with medicine. If I'm not allergic, then it makes me sick or uber sleepy. Reflux meds constipated me. Birth control made my boobs grow and I never felt well while taking it. Antibiotics give me a yeast infection. See, I can't win. Even Aspirin makes me weak. Don't get it twisted, I will take it if I need it. But only if I will die or be maimed without it. Supplements are not different from perscription drugs. They have other things in them and side efects. Anything in a "gel" form may contain swine. and there is a lot of chalk and perservatives. The vitamins aren't in a pure form. They are an organic chemistry lab.

I'm not saying don't supplement. Maybe it doesn't affect you like it does me. Maybe you are healthy and just peachy. I'm just saying it doesn't work like that for me. And I just want folks to be completely in tune with what they are doing to themselves.


PS: If I have encouraged any of y'all to try beets.... please be mindful that the next urine or stool you pass will look like there is blood in it. THAT IS JUST THE BEETS! Don't be scared!!!!


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