Paradigm Shifts

Yesterday I had my minimal eating revelation. I'm grateful for that. Lately I've been prompted to make a lot of lifestyle changes that don't look like changes from the outside, but for me and my Cipher they are going to require a paradigm shift.

Clearly minimal eating is one change. Another change is reducing plastic ware like tupperware. Another is acquiring more glass and wooden bowls. And getting rid of my metal cookware for glass and cast iron. I don't know what I'm going to do with my flatware. As healthy as I strive to be.... you would think my kitchen would be the primary place where those changes can be seen. It is, to some degree. I made it Kosher a decade ago. But that was a decade ago. Improvements should be an ongoing process.

I'm planning to slide into my raw food feast this year rather then be cooked one day and raw the next that may be why I've never been successful at being permanently raw. The internet has raw food recipes listed but the diversity isn't there. It's all recipes for the same food. I can bootleg any meated dish into a vegetarian one. I want that same skill raw. There aren't the same resources for raw vegans as there is for vegetarians or even vegans. So I figured if I kept a list of what I ate, then I could figure out how to rig it. But what I found was disturbing... I don't eat a lot of veggies. I thought I did because I am a Vegetarian, but no. Mmmm that has to be remedied.
I might make a smoothie 2 days a week. I might juice 1 day a week. (I hate cleaning the juicer). That's not enough. No wonder I've gotten sick. The biggest meal I eat is lunch so when I packed my lunch, I added some frozen veggies and an apple. It's not a lot but it's more than I was doing.

I took a quick run last night of about a mile. I sucked. It was expected. I haven't run consistently in a months. Running spring training for me starts officially in March. There are so many races that I would've like to participate. But... I'm not ready. The races are catching my eye for a reason. I've done some yoga... with the running and yoga, I have exercised 4 times this month. That's piss poor.

I have been craving sweets bad. I always want sweets. The 7 says I have “sweet teeth” instead of a sweet tooth. But in my research, I have come to learn that sweet cravings... when you aren't pregnant... is a sign that you need to detox. Hmmmm.... I ain't one to let a craving distract me so I ate my apple. That's sweet. But it wasn't sweet enough. I wanted gooey and creamy, possibly chocolaty. But I'm off chocolate and caffeine. It didn't stop until I decided to get something sweet to quell it.

I decided instead of taking the elevator up 2 floors to get something sweet, that I'd walk. There are 2 flights of stairs between each floor in my building. I felt like my back was going to explode. I have decided if I'm going to indulge in sweets. I need to walk tot get them.

It's so easy to convince yourself that you are doing all the right things. I need to stay vigilant about my current abilities. Its so easy to fall for the okey doke.


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