
Showing posts from March, 2015

How are we meant to eat?

Peace. I've been “high-rawing” all this month and I have some thoughts on it. It's a good way to eat if you want to heal. And when you get to a certain age, there is much healing that needs to happen even if you don't think so. Especially if you've been living savagely. Do I think it's the best diet of all time? No. Do I think it's safe and responsible to do for a measure of ones lifetime? No. Do I think you can eat like this long term. Yes. The reason I have developed this particular Cee, is because I have noticed that a lot of the Raw gurus have gone backed to cooked foods. Also I have noticed that many of the gurus who stuck with this plan no longer look healthy. This caused me to go back and do the Knowledge. And that is why and how I came to the above conclusion. Raw foodism is a healing diet, but not a forever diet. I've been healthy-mindful-ayurvedic eating for almost 20 years. I'm also a dentist. I believe that I am the best knower of my o...


Peace! Its been difficult to be 100% raw everyday. When I do... I let the world know via social media. But my current regimen of “High raw” doesn't bother me. I don't feel like I'm failing. I wanted to feel more vibrant... I want to be more bohemian.... I want to set my vibrational frequency higher that it has been and I feel I am successful on all fronts. So I'm not 100% raw all the time. I am at least 85% raw and that is a good thing. I have a man who is not willing to eat as I do... and whatever feelings I have about that... I must cook for him as that is part of our relationship agreement. Maybe that is what I am destined for... My 1st husband didn't become a vegetarian with me. I do think he might still be alive if he had. So I am used to cooking different meals to accommodate different people. And I'm not bitter... much. It would be easier for me if there were no distractions... like chips and cooked foods I love, but it is what it is. I have notice...

In my little Kim Voice..... Welcome to Raw Food

Peace. Now that I've transitioned from juice to raw vegan I want to discuss the different ways of being “raw.” In the raw community, like any other community, you have people who think they know everything and their way is the only way. I hate that in ANY Cipher. "You do you and I'll do me" is my anthem. I won't publicly judge you and I expect the same in return. When I do “raw” I mean the food was prepared under 105*. I chose that temperature because it was the lowest temperature that my dehydrator can un-cook food. Anything less and the food will grow fungus. You know what else kills me? Folks who disseminate the lifestyle as if they invented it. SMDH. I call that Columbusing. You will find raw vegans who have been expressing the lifestyle before the 1960's. First there is high raw which means 90%-100% ingestion of raw foods. And anything lower than 90% wouldn't be called raw, though newer designations come out every day: 50/50 raw/cooked or "...

1st BtC Build

Peace. My 1st installment of being the change. I think I'm going to call it “BtC.” I dutifully took pics of the pertinent food type activity lately. I had been mulling over the BtC initiative. I MUST have a plan for this raw thing. I suggest you have one too. Because once you decide what you want to eat, you have to plan prep. It's not like cooking where you can cook everything for the week on Sunday. Food might take days to prepare. So here is what my plan looks like.... I have what I want to eat for the entire month written out on this calendar. It's not fancy. It's actually a calender that the boss hands out at the beginning of the year. I photocopy the month and fill in the food. Then I go back and check the recipes to see when I need to start prepping and write it down on the calendar. I plan the recipes for the month, but not the prep. I do a week at a time for prep since that's how I shop. Today is Wednesday so I will plan out my food for next week to...

Being the Change

Peace. I finished my liquid fast... or fast from food. And all was good. I initially planned to only fast for 2 weeks and spend all of March “raw” or at least “high raw.” But my plans changed. I decided to go on and fast the full 3 weeks like I normally do. I felt really strong at the end of 2 weeks and considered how much more healing my body could do. Ra Un Nefer Amen has a book called Healing the Error of Living. And though I own the book, I like the title better. That's what I planned to do. I'm not sure how much healing I accomplished, I do know I felt like I was starving. I mean I was HUNGRY... distracted kind of hungry. It didn't help that I got disgusted with everything I had to drink. I didn't want fresh juice, water or smoothies... I just wanted food! Additionally, I got sick. I've never gotten sick outside of detox on a fast before. It was a sinus thing that dropped me on my ass for 4 days. I don't think I ever had that type of response to fasting ...

Juice Fast 2015!

Peace. Hear I go again with fasting. This is my 15th Fast... Wow!!!! This year I decided to start early. The reasons were that February 2015 is a perfect month and makes March 2015 almost perfect as well. So I chose 2/15 as the Sunday to begin. Unfortunately that was right in the middle of my period. Also, it involved a cold snap. Fasting and periods lowers your body temperature so I'm freaking cold right now! And I don't see a way to warm up. I am experiencing detox. And y'all know the plan was to ease into this in a way to NOT experience any. As much as I HATE feeling sickly... it just doesn't jive with my personality... I know detox happens when you cleanse. I mean isn't the the reason for cleansing in the 1st place. I had a minor epiphany this past week, that I'd like to share.... Disease cannot exist in a healthful environment. So if you switch your environment from say, acidic to alkaline, the detox must come because that's how all the badsies ge...

Jaw-Jacking Ninjas.....

Peace. This is another rant. You've been warned. I do a lot to insure that I remain healthy. I fast, I'm a vegetarian, I quit smoking, I don't drink much, I workout... and I don't ever want to... I get loads of sleep. I drink water that I hate. I do a lot to make me the best that I can be. I suppose I am inspired by my mother. Mommie has everything. All the sicknesses. He pill pack looks like skittles. You name it, she's got it. And I don't want any of it. But what gets my goat is when folks assign me failure because I'm not thin. When did being thin be the end all to be all? Guess what; I'm in my mid 40's and I don't have any chronic illnesses. I don't have to take any medications. I'm good. But that's not enough if I'm not thin. Yesterday, a friend came to the office and she knew that I have been fasting on liquids. She comes in and demands to know... “How much weight have you lost.” And she isn't thin. Well... I didn...