What is Clean Eating?


Part of the problem with getting to the bottom of what clean eating is, is that everyone seems to have a different definition of what actually constitutes ‘clean’. You’ve got your bodybuilder definition, your paleo definition, your vegan definition, your celebrity doctor definition and on and on and on. Not only that, but those definitions can vary wildly from individual to individual. Clean Eating, as Serenity is defining it, is defined as a lifestyle based on the goal of removing all processed foods from the diet. I say it’s a lifestyle because I’m not going to be writing stuff down or depriving myself of anything. I’m just going to be making better food choices from now on.

I’m not one of those conspiracy theorists… BUT…. Nothing is real these days. NOTHING. Everything is tainted with technology. Food, water, air... all tainted. I remember about 20 or so years ago I began getting sick from corn oil. I can’t eat it and I can’t be in a house where folks are using it to cook. I instantly start gagging and getting sick at the smell. Didn’t used to be like that. I mean… corn is, well, corn! That was the time when genetically modified food stuff was entering the food supply. Also, when I was little, my mother would cook fried chicken for Sunday breakfast, and you could smell that chicken was being cooked (other times she made salmon croquettes). Now when chicken is being fried you smell the oil, but not the chicken. You don’t know what is being cooked until you go downstairs and see your plate. Our food supply is jacked up. And there is really very little that can be done about it Unless we are going to live on a commune and grow our own food. But we can strive to reduce the impact of this Franken-food on our bodies. One way is clean eat.

I have been doing the 1 to clean eating for a few months now. The rules and regulations are… don’t buy anything store bought other than produce and packaged things like flour, baking soda, milk, etc, The items that aren’t anything but what they say on the front label. If it’s milk then it’s milk. It’s not milk with high fructose corn syrup and pectin and soy lecithin…. No fast food. The reasoning for that seems obvious. Nothing over refined like white rice, white flour, white sugar, etc. I’m planning on decreasing gluten intake. I don’t trust wheat, plus I have a serious Bermuda grass allergy. Wheat is form of grass. No sodas or even store bought juices. I’ll be drinking water and/or coffee and tea. I know coffee and tea have caffeine… But you don’t want to see me without my caffeine. You wouldn’t like me when I don’t have caffeine…. Another rule is to eat in season. Foods that aren’t in season are expensive and fooled with. Another thing is decreasing my soy intake. As a pescatarian it is hard to avoid soy, but anything is doable. And because I like to break rules… A cheat day every so often. Where I can go just apeshit on my belly.

So to Summarize…
1. No prepackaged foods
2. No Processed/refined foods
3. No food with other ingredients on the label
4. Nothing white (teehee)
5. No soda, or store bought juices
6. No fast food
7. Lots of water
8. Low caffeine
9. Deceased gluten/bread
10. Decreased soy
11. Foods in season
12. Decrease fried foods
13. Occasional cheat days

Cleaning up the diet will allow for some of the built impurities that are poisoning us all to pass through our systems. I want to live a year with a truly clean colon and see what it does for me.


PS: I’m getting a LOT of inspiration from cleaneatingmag.com.


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