Yes I fast!

Peace. Do you know what cracks me up? The amount of people that do not fast. I’m a faster. I fast in different ways several times a year. I do a 21 day juice fast leading into the Asiatic New Year. I fast 1 day a week for 24 hours. Sometimes I do Ramadan. It really depends on what has happened the year before. And I freely admit…. I like Ramadan more when it is in winter. And soon I will do a 1 month vegan fast. I am not a vegan. I am a pescatarian. It’s what works best for me and my body. I find when I am without fish protein, I’m stupid. I can’t find words that I need I’m often confused and tend to be more air headed. So I could not be vegan long term. But a month of cleansing works for me. And it also gives me a way to cleanse my palate and try a few new recipes. Now…. Other people…. IRRITANTS. I have a new coworker who doesn’t get my clearly stated boundaries. She calls me sensitive. And she is nosey as fuck. She heard me tell the 7 that I was planning to be vegan for a month and the questions started to flow. Questions that her nosey meat eating ass just should not have. Why is she so damn interested in what I eat when she is not going to partake? Had she said, “I’m interested in being vegan” then I would aid her. She can’t mind her own fucking business. That being said…. Her husband is a Christian minister. Why is she so shocked at the concept of fasting? Christians fast. Or they are supposed to. She told me there was NO WAY she would fast. I was a Christian for many decades. I fasted. I pointed out the fasting scriptures to show and prove my point. So this bitch is just a clueless trick and I neither trust her, her version of Christianity or her husband. Muslim people who see shocked that I fast get the side eye too. Do they think they cornered the market on fasting? And what they do, to me isn’t really fasting. It’s delaying eating. Indian people are often shocked that I am vegetarian and/or that I fast. Why? Are Black people viewed as savages with no form of civilization whatsoever? It’s disheartening, but expected from people with a concept of a mystery god. Anywho… thatnk you for the soap box…. And join me in my vegan fast from 10/21/2012-11/21/2012. I’ll be the gansta vegan running in the head wrap. Peace


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