I have decided to try a fermented beverage. I know a lot of people that advocate kumbucha, but they never have been able to tell me why. I’ve witnessed Gods at rallies walking around showing off their bottles offering folks a sip. I did the knowledge on kumbucha and it is tea, sugar and a big nasty mushroom looking thing that mothers the fermentation process. I bought a $3 16oz bottle too… and I don’t get the hoop la. I understand that this is a very natural form of ingesting probiotics. Okay. But the sugar and caffeine concern me.
There is kefir. But again the mother is store-bought, expensive and not easy to find. Also Kefir is milk based. Since I’m not on milk now a days, I’m thinking milk is a bad idea.
Rejuvelac is supposed to be a good source of probiotics, enzymes, B vitamins, and most of all fermented beverages are supposed to be good for my eczema. I decided to make it myself because I like the idea that I have control over the process. All the ingredients are easy to find. Soft wheat berries and water. These can be found at any health food store. Here is the process…
1- Obtain wheat berries
(See day 2 below)
There is kefir. But again the mother is store-bought, expensive and not easy to find. Also Kefir is milk based. Since I’m not on milk now a days, I’m thinking milk is a bad idea.
Rejuvelac is supposed to be a good source of probiotics, enzymes, B vitamins, and most of all fermented beverages are supposed to be good for my eczema. I decided to make it myself because I like the idea that I have control over the process. All the ingredients are easy to find. Soft wheat berries and water. These can be found at any health food store. Here is the process…
1- Obtain wheat berries
2- Soak berries for at least 12 hours. They will swell. (Sorry no picture)
3- Allow to sprout for 2 days
(See day 2 below)
4- Soak in filtered water for 2 days
Day 1
Day 2
I used ½ cup of dry berries and 4 cups of filtered water. Maybe I need to up the berries or reduce the water. I plan to drink at least a glass a day and its only good for about 2 days after making it. You can use the berries for 2 drafts. So I have to get soaking before I’m completely done with the previous set of berries.
I’m using a 3 liter container to brew the beverage. And I’m keeping the lid on. I’m not filling it to be even half full and there is enough trapped air in there.
For the second berry batch, I used the same amount of berries, but a cup less water. We will see if that make a stronger fizzier beverage.
I plan to use the done wheat berries to make raw bread. Waste not, want not.
I know y’all are not gonna take me on face value so I will include some links to get you started….
This is day 2 sprouting. The tail needs to be as long as the berry. Cut me some slack. I had problems adding these pictures.......
How did it taste? Eh….
I have had Rejuvelac before. It wasn’t as strong as I had previously.
I have had Rejuvelac before. It wasn’t as strong as I had previously.
I used ½ cup of dry berries and 4 cups of filtered water. Maybe I need to up the berries or reduce the water. I plan to drink at least a glass a day and its only good for about 2 days after making it. You can use the berries for 2 drafts. So I have to get soaking before I’m completely done with the previous set of berries.
I’m using a 3 liter container to brew the beverage. And I’m keeping the lid on. I’m not filling it to be even half full and there is enough trapped air in there.
For the second berry batch, I used the same amount of berries, but a cup less water. We will see if that make a stronger fizzier beverage.
I plan to use the done wheat berries to make raw bread. Waste not, want not.
I know y’all are not gonna take me on face value so I will include some links to get you started….
I have been drinking some Rejuvelac daily for 2 weeks straight and these are my findings.....
1. Yes my skin is looking better, BUT it is also getting warm and that might be the reason
2. This is the biggest difference... my movements are different. I can tell that I am getting a LOT of iron. I won't go into details. I don't think the rejuvelac has iron in it. So this iron must either be iron thats already in me or the rejuvelac is pulling the iron from the food I'm eating. That is the biggest difference I see from me drinking rejuvelac daily.
I did figure out the preferred strenth of my brews too. For every 1/2 cup of wheat berries, I use 3 cups of water . And the second brew needs to go for 3 days rather than 2 days for strength. I don't have a problem drinking the rejuvelac, meaning it doesn't taste bad, I just have to remember to drink it. I strive to drink some twice a day. Some with my breakfast smoothie and a glass before bedtime. I have found that I feel movement in my belly area and there are some sharp pains that I had not noticed having before the rejuvelac. Other than that I find it a nice addition to my diet.