My Own Fault

I’m sick. The sad part is I’ve been sick without trying to do much about it. I have been very western in my in my thinking with my eastern practices. I am a practitioner of holistic medicine with a heavy emphasis on Ayurveda. Yeah, I said it!

Let me sum it up for you…. I have had a rash for about a year. It went away for the most part last month, but it came back with a vengeance. I have picked up some other symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. When I look at my lifestyle, I can see that I’m slipping. Bad.

Not less than 2 years ago, I was on my game and on it hard. I did not use artificial/commercial products directly on my skin. I did not allow myself to wear synthetic fibers. I ate better; absolutely no fast food. Actually, mostly organic. On the flip, I had Jesus, makeup, a weave, and way more money than I have at my current disposal. I drank and smoked heavily too. But…. I appeared to be healthier. And I had no real stress.

I know a lot better now a days. I should not be consuming dairy, or touching sugar. Commercial products have all kinds of animal products in them; especially animals we do not advocate associations with. But I wanted life easier. Look where easier has gotten me. Entirely uncomfortable in my own skin. Literally. But I take full responsibility.

So what now? Tomorrow I will begin a fast for 3 days. I will be better about my diet. Not all raw as I have been promising, not even high. Half is more doable. I will juice more. I have been associating juicing with my nausea. I juice and get real sick like. I will keep a journal. I’ve been good about water, but that’s all I’ve been good about. I will stay away from GMO’s and dairy (a known skin irritant) I will go back to making my own products or purchasing them from the HFS. I will find a way to effectively deal with my stress levels. I will confront the stress and strive to do something. I will meditate more. I will find some kind of stress outlet.

During this 3 days I will also be getting my mind straight. Pursuing intellectual pursuits. Studying lessons. Reading books. Not too much TV. Sleeping 8 hours at once. Basically, mentally feeding myself the right foods.

The bottom line is this…. It doesn’t matter what you have if your health (body and mind) sucks. You won’t be able to do anything with it.

Keep checking on me.



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