I'm Sending Out a Search Party!

Well I did what I said I was gonna do. (See how I slipped today’s math in there?) I lost the weight I wanted to lose for this small hurdle. Yes I want to lose like 40lbs, but I needed to lose 15lbs for my own personal, selfish goals by next week. And I’m a week early. I’m a admit this to y’all because y’all don’t know me like that. This kind of makes me shamed to ever meet y’all in the physical, but I suppose I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

I am going to continue on with losing weight. I’m planning to start my yearly cleansing fast in about 2 weeks. When I come up out of that I’ll be ‘high raw’. I don’t do 100% raw. My stomach doesn’t like that. But the reason why it was imperative that I lose 15lbs is….. I am very ashamed to admit this….. breathe Serenity……. I really cannot bear to weigh more than my man. I know. That’s shallow. I really have some issues/teacups/whatever within me with regards to men. One of those issues is men need to be bigger in size and weight than I. There are more. Lot’s more. I probably have a good reason for feeling this way though it eludes me right now. I’m just not comfortable with a small man. And when I say small I mean smaller than me. I’m in no way shape or form ‘tall’, but I am thick. I kind of find my ownself sexy but apparently it’s a tentative sexy. My God is tall and I automatically assumed that he weighed more than I. Bad assumption. He casually made knowledge born of his actual weight. Took everything I had to not look crestfallen at that moment. It wasn’t a significant overage, but an overage all the same. He is a grown assed man! Later, I borned the determined idea to correct this situation and I did. (Can you tell I been studying?) So now I’m 10lbs lighter than the God and can sleep more soundly at night. I’m so glad he doesn’t read this blog. Then he would know how much I weigh. And if one of y’all mentions it to him… I will hunt you down and do you harm!

Men… Maybe y’all don’t want to read any further…..

But that weight loss has come with a price… I have no clue where my period is. My cycle is VERY regular. Seriously. I can tell you to the day and hour of its arrival. It ain’t no joke. The other health issue I have outside of my skin is my cycle. Cycles used to beat me down as a younger woman. It was heavy and painful. It cause all kinds of personality changes in me. I reminded myself of that Dawn Lewis character in I’m Gonna Get You Suka who turned green and her head spinned around talking ‘bout “I have cramps!” My friends were more cognizant of it than I was. They used to keep chocolate in their purses for me; like I was some menstrual diabetic. I had fibroids too. I used to have to use Depends as tampon backup. My flow would go on for 2 weeks; 8-9 days of heavy flows and the rest just that weird drain. My flow was so heavy and aggressive, that a super plus tampon would soak in 1 hour and be pushed out of my body by a clot. My period and them fibroids was one of the reasons I stopped eating meat. Once I gave up meat, my cycle tapered off significantly. Oh it was still excessively heavy, and I swear my hair would change texture each month but it was better.

I got checked for all the uterine issues. But the only thing that was ever found was the fibroids. They wanted to treat it with birth control pills, but I rejected that for two reasons. First, I was married and wanted to get pregnant. And secondly, I had been on the pill before and it is just not for me. Does things to me… That’s another build. This is when I started to research menses and try to control it through non-surgical and non-medication means. It’s all good now; though I eventually required surgery. But I feel way better than I did and I still maintain my fertility.

Okay… This is the reason for the blog… I sure can go on can’t I?.... I need for my period to drop. And I need it to drop today or tomorrow. I am going on vacation with my man and I wanna … ahem… enjoy it. I refuse to ‘enjoy’ when the moon is upon me. It was due on Monday. I has not made an appearance or even called to let me know it was gonna be late. When I lose weight it will either make my cycle come late, be short or be late and short. No telling though. Most of the signs of its impending arrival are present: crippling headaches, nausea, increased appetite and cravings, short tempered-ness, unexplained tears, cramps, severe sleepiness, y’all know. The main thing I’m missing (other than the blood) is the bloat and the pimples. Since I have been watching my weight, I don’t expect to notice bloating or see any pimples and I don’t. But my face looks swollen and I swear my nose is getting bigger. No, I’m not already pregnant.

Anywho…. I have been employing old-timey period remedies to get things rolling. I have worn the prettiest pair of white panties I own. Cycles LOVE to visit when you wear highly stainable clothing. Didn’t work. I drank a glass bottom’s worth of clear alcohol daily since last Thursday. Nothings. I had a drop of turpentine in my cranberry juice. Nope. Now I am employing 1500 mg of vitamin C several times a day to make it come. And I’m wearing a winter white dress with no slip and no, well let’s just say nothing. Don’t worry you can’t through it. I am all out of remedies. These have worked for me in the past. Dang. Way to ruin my vacation!



Bootzey said…
The vitamin C made my teeth turn Orange!!!! And had a laxatizing effect. DON'T TRY THAT!!!! Unless that was what you were looking for.

I took 2 aspirin to see if that will bring it on. Cross your fingers...

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