Facetime Part 2: The New Regimen

My skin is dry. And not excemitic dry, but just wholeheartedly dry. I'm also getting moley. Both my parents were VERY moley. My brother wasn't. And I'm not so much. I put that on my darker skin and vegetarianism. Both my parents were/are dark. My brother was light. Go figure. I noticed that when I became a vegetarian a lot of stuff changed on and in my body. I had hoped vegetarianism would prevent moles. It just delayed them.

Also the texture of my skin is changing. My goal with my skin is for the texture to be that of a boiled egg white. Firm and dewy. The edges of my face were starting to feel leathery. My routine has always been effective, but not so much anymore.

So I did what folks do now. I googled it. And came across Korean skincare. Y'all should google this because Asians are WAY ahead of us in this venue. I went to china in my early 30's and there was a esthetition on every corner like it was Mcdonalds. There were amazing skincare products being sold in common stores. I brought some home and really liked the results but when they were gone, they were gone. Some of these products had no English on the container. I bought them in China. Many of them were written in Chinese characters.

But this Korean skincare regimen is (a) daunting and (b) comprehensive. Seriously, it's anywhere between 11-17 steps depending on who is giving the recommendation. That's some shit for your ass! Read the example link....


This one only has 10 steps. That's 7 more than mine covered. But you know what? I'm a tryer!

Step 1: Oiling
Step 2: Foam Cleansing
Step 3: Exfoliate
Step 4: Refresher/Toner
Step 5: Essence
Step 6: Serum
Step 7: Sheet mask
Step 8: Eye Cream
Step 9: Moisturizer
Step 10: Night cream

Yo! this is a lot. And you do this twice a day! As daunting as this sounds, It's not that bad. You don't always do all the steps. Light night cream? That goes on at night. Morning and evening routines should be different.


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