Queen of Slugs


This is an sneak tip update... My boss has accused me of viraly infecting his computers. I haven't. Does he think I do internet porn all day in full view of the clients? But you know how bosses are. I so hope expect to find the position of my dreams before I'm 45....

I am still on the Elimination Diet. Here is the scary thing. I think I like it......

Since truly restricting my diet, I have gotten it down to a core of foods that don't bother me. I have said no to milk products outside of butter. And when it comes to butter, I don't eat it by itself. I eat it cooked in foods. And I avoid, though not completely soy. (I had some tofu to go bad and once you smell that....) I avoid adding sugar and salt to foods. And I avoid processed foods for the most part. Processed foods are of the devil!

The 7 bought some cookies... generic chips ahoy I think... And I had 1. That 1 made me want another when I was clear I wasn't hungry. So I had the 2nd. Then I got a craving... and that's what it was.... for soda and then for other crazy foods. Now was this just me or was there actually something sinister going on? So I did a bit of experimenting. I made my OWN chocolate chip cookies from scratch. This way I know where most of the products come from and there would be no high fructose corn syrup. Guess what? I can eat them... and they're damn delicious... and not want anything else. I actually get satiated. I don't ever get satiated when eating processed food. That's the effect processed foods has. They make you want more so that manufacturers get more money from you. In the US it is all about the dollar. All people are a means for the rich to get richer.

Another shocking bonus is... I lost 12lbs without trying!!!! Without even exercising. Damn! My clothes are all loose, even out of the dryer. That was unexpected. I've not changed anything other than the diet restriction... meaning I'm still eating the same portions, just of real foods. Who the eff knew this? Seems like I should have.

As far as my skin and shark week go... I still don't know. For me it's shark week right now. My foot is itching up a storm and it seems like the eczema is on the move. Like it wants to come up to my arms. But... that could completely be because it's shark week. I'm always itchy during this time of the month. We will see about that come next week.

Another good and noticeable change since starting the ED, the lump in my pelvis has decreased significantly. I don't know if it is shrinking or just hiding better in my gut. I can't tell.

Yes, I have stopped running. I got disillusioned after my race. I thought I was doing something.. really working out... The race just showed me that I wasn't anything but a slug. But do you know what? I'm owning slugdom. I will be the QUEEN of slugdom! I bought myself some new sneakers for my birthday (which isn't until next month) and I'm going to get back into running. I'm not shooting for racing. Just for me. I liked how I felt while and after a session. No reason to not experience that again. Exercise is the fountain of youth for folks as they get older.

I'm not just going to start back running, I'm going to get back into all the the things I used to do. I'm going to do yoga at least twice a week. And find something else to do twice a week. Abs.. arms... Dancing...

I'm not trying to blame Precise for any of this, but when you are in a relationship, you have to make adjustments to your life and schedule to accommodate the other person. When I lived alone, it was easier to focus on me. I wouldn't trade him just to get the singular focus back. I have to find a way to make it all fit.



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