It's not what you think....


I have not been feeling well since coming off fast. I am wondering what it is about. Let me share my symptoms…..

1. odd stomach cramps
2. nausea whether I eat or don’t eat
3. headaches
4. REALLY BAD heartburn
5. odd appetite
6. strange cravings
7. no longer regular
8. super tired

Now I know what it sounds like…. And you’re wrong. So what else could it be?

Do you know what’s funny and consistent in my life? I can’t always tell when someone close to me is pregnant. I get their morning sickness until they tell me. Then I’m fine. I swear I almost died when my brother’s wife was pregnant.

I have been striving to be high raw. And I define ‘high raw’ as 51% raw vs. cooked. I’m being generous and not saying 50.0000001%. How’s that going? Not bad. I eat a green smoothie for breakfast and a salad somewhere else in the day. I make raw entrees that are always close by. Unfortunately chips are close by too. But my fetish of choice has been air popped pop corn. that's not that bad. That’s 51%, right? I have been staying away from fish and tofu to the point of stupidity. I have been running regularly with at least 1 yoga class per week. I don’t get why my bathroom breaks are different than before? I’m getting plenty roughage. Maybe its too much and it’s causing the backup? IDK.

Today (Tuesday) is my fast day for this week and I am striving to put things back in order. I am master cleansing just for today. Come tomorrow I’m a amp up the raw percentage to possibly 75% raw. It has been nearly a month since I came off the fast. This isn’t right. I’m also going to up my consumption of water. That’s good for getting regularity back. I don’t want to do any enemas just yet (since I don’t do laxatives).



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