
Showing posts from June, 2010

Me and My Hair

An Earth made the passing comment that we should go out for a day of pampering and get out locs done. Every since she said that, I have been deeply pondering if that would be something I'd be interested in. I have had my locs since May of 2008. I said that I would lock my hair either when I turned 40 (which I'm not yet) or if something life altering happened. My father died March 1, 2008. That was life altering. I have never had anyone to physically help me with my locs. I have had folks give me advice or have searched loc maintenance and styles. Prior to locing I had been natural since 2000. So it's not like I was starting with no hair. And I already had learned to care for my hair and wore my natural hair out all the time. I became natural not because I got all enlightened and isht, but because I had a bad perm. I had had bad perms before but this one was major. I had become a vegetarian and I have always had a sensitive scalp and needed special attention. I became even m...

Old Friend....

I just reconnected with an old friend from my past. He and I used to be inseperable. He was always with me and performed various and sundry tasks for me. We were so close that he has touched every part of my body. We parted company because I heard some disturbing rumors about him and we had a run in or two. I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt. I just kicked him to the curb for another. But he and I have found our way back to each other. I had missed him. Now some of those rumors were true. So our new relationship will be qualified and re-qualified as we go along. But somehow I think he will be in my life forever. I love you..... Vaseline! I stopped using vaseline or petoleum jelly years ago becaue of the mineral oil and the way it's processed. It is a by product of oil refinery. That doesn't sound like anything I want to slather all over my body. Also I was noticing that I would get body acne when using vaseline. Yick. Not a good look. I just didn't think it was...

Drugs is Drugs

Peace Y'all, Okay.... It is day 9 since I returned back to food. I ain't going to lie, I had moments of debauchery and feasting. But that is all past. For every bad meal I had, I suffered. I mean I ate a candy bar and got all sweaty and nauseated. (Y'all know what's up or down)That's not good. So I am back on mostly high raw food. I'd say 80-90%. I'm staying a way from large amounts of cheese too. They cause my salivary glands on my palate to swell. If that has every happened to you, you know it hurts. And stays hurting for almost 2 days. Cheese ain't worth that. But if I see some cooked food that I want, I'm eating it. I'm sticking to pretty much mostly raw and there are days where I am eating 100%. Yesterday, I had a smoothie, some tea, raw cashews and a salad for lunch. That was it. Tea is a cooked beverage. You use hot water to extract it and the leaves are roasted. Double cooked. I mentioned before that I'm not really hungry in the eveni...

Yoga on the Moon

This build is extremely explicit and not for the faint of heart. Continue at your own risk..... There is a school of thought that says that menstruating women should NOT perform yoga while on their cycles. There is another school that says it doesn't matter. Where do I fall on this educational spectrum? No clue. The Anti school says that women should not put themselves in positions where the flow of blood could back up and cause a congestion in the uterus. Okay. I see that. The Pro school says it doesn't matter because women change their positions all the time without ill effects. And Where is it gonna go anyway? I see that too. I also want to add on that There is always some blood in the uterus regardless of whether it's coming out or not. It's not like the uterus is dry one day and full the day before the cycle begins. Blood builds up over time. So there is always a chance of congestion. And it's not like I don't go out of the house the five days I bleed. I st...