Who Knew????

Peace Good People,

Okay.... I have mentioned before that I was not going to diet for a year. Its been a struggle, but I have been taking it day by day. Guess what? I am officially a size smaller than what I was at the beginning of this year. How did that happen?

All that I can attribute it to is since I no longer feel restricted regarding what I can eat, I eat less. I suppose. I eat whatever I want. Chips, candy, whatever. I guess I'm not feeling punished. I'm not exercising. I'm not really drinking an abundance of water. So.....

Maybe it has something to do with m outrage at my job's cafeteria. They haven't raised prices, but they have cut portion size in half. It pissed me off to the point that I bring my lunch to work daily. The stuff I bring is relatively healthy. Could that possibly have anything to do with that? What ever it is I ain't mad. Keep it coming baby.



Anonymous said…
Amazingly enough, the most healthful foods are also the best ones to help your overall well being. Broccoli alone is recommended for a whole host of nutritional benefits. There was an urban myth being circulated that bananas were too fattening. Scientific analysis found quite the opposite to be true and nutrition experts actually urge us to have one a day.
Pineapple is a boon to anyone wishing to control obesity. It fills you up and fights hunger for hours, while at the same time being low in fat content.

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