Who Knew????
Peace Good People,
Okay.... I have mentioned before that I was not going to diet for a year. Its been a struggle, but I have been taking it day by day. Guess what? I am officially a size smaller than what I was at the beginning of this year. How did that happen?
All that I can attribute it to is since I no longer feel restricted regarding what I can eat, I eat less. I suppose. I eat whatever I want. Chips, candy, whatever. I guess I'm not feeling punished. I'm not exercising. I'm not really drinking an abundance of water. So.....
Maybe it has something to do with m outrage at my job's cafeteria. They haven't raised prices, but they have cut portion size in half. It pissed me off to the point that I bring my lunch to work daily. The stuff I bring is relatively healthy. Could that possibly have anything to do with that? What ever it is I ain't mad. Keep it coming baby.
Pineapple is a boon to anyone wishing to control obesity. It fills you up and fights hunger for hours, while at the same time being low in fat content.