It's May! Time to Raise that Rod!!!!


Ok. I have been kinda ghost this month with my posting. I am still on the good foot. I am still doing am smoothies. I realize that I don’t just dislike breakfast foods; I dislike the entire meal. I never want to eat it. So smoothies work out just fine in my life. I’m not like the god who adores scheduled meals and will eat 8 pieces of vegan bacon. SMH… Grazing is my thing. I have been good with eating salads for lunch. It actually works out lovely because I can pre-make a salad and have it ready every morning to go into my lunch bag. I only eat 3 of the 4 days I work so 3 servings doesn’t take up a huge area of the refrigerator. So that means I’m raw until dinner. I can eat a raw dinner, but mostly I just eat whatever. Sometimes I don’t and that’s cool. With 2 out of 3 meals raw and the 3rd might possibly not exist… I am high raw!!!!

This month is May (Master Allah Why?) So…. That means I’m Raising the Rod. If you are a long term follower, you know that means I am implementing something that will make me a better person by June 1st. What I am doing this RtR season is giving up gluten. (also daily recitation of 120) It ain’t easy. I’m also limiting soy, caffeine, sodas and backing off sugar. The big thing is the gluten. I’m still clean eating and solar eating. Let me just say this… This ain’t a easy life. It’s not! People all the time talk good isht about how they “could” eat like me or do the things I do. And I’m not saying I’m special. But I realize that I have the ability to drastically restrict my diet and other folks don’t seem to have the will power to finish.

I like bread, and pasta and sweets, etc. Gluten free options are just plain nasty and disgusting. The texture, the flavor, it’s only mildly satisfying. I may stay GF come June but I won’t be using GF substitutes. I’ll just do without. Or I will make my own foods fresh and from scratch. I don’t trust the wheat bread that has been sitting on my table for 2 weeks that is still soft and fluffy with no mold. You know that bread is embalmed. It only cost 99 cents.

I think I am experiencing gluten detox. Who knew? I have been having headaches and digestive issues. Haven’t lost any weight though… Oh well. I’m over the desire to be thin. I just want to not jiggle or walk like a fat woman.

I’m going through with this labor because I want to be uber-healthy. Now don’t get me wrong…. I am not a sick person. I don’t have chronic diseases that Black people my age tend to have. I am not diabetic or hypertensive even though those run in my family. I am not on any medication. I have all but 1 of my teeth. I can run 3 miles at will. I can do anything I want. But I want to do more and feel good like a healthy child. That is my goal. Continued health and vibrancy. So this makes it hard to tell if my endeavors are successful. Every month I keep adding something new and healthy to the mix. Yes I don’t look my age but who does?

When you do the Knowledge to determine if leaky gut is cured you can find minimal if any information. There is plenty of information describing the condition but nothing describing the healing of said condition. And that caused me to ask the question…. Is any condition ever healed? How do you know when you have made it to the healthy side? Is it because you no longer have to take meds? Well… You never did NEED to take them. What would happen if you didn’t? Yeah you might die, but you are going to die anyway. But take death off the table, because you probably wouldn’t die if you didn’t take your pressure meds or your diabetes meds. You might not feel good, but you probably wouldn’t die. My mother was an undiagnosed diabetic for over a decade and she is still here. So….. don’t fall for the okey doke. It’s not in medicine’s best interest for folks to get healed. And since this country doesn’t make anything anymore, we have to use one another to earn a living. Well… y’all ain’t using me.

I suppose once I stop having allergies, eczema and I look refreshed I can say that I am cured…. We shall see…



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