Here We Go Again
I called my mother on my way into work. I should not have done that. Now I’m depressed. And work is hard enough for me to pretend I like, without me superimposing my mother’s bile on it. I will go on record and say that I love my mother… But I don’t like her. She’s too much of the bad and not enough of the good. You have to wade through a lot of much to get at the best part. so much in fact, that I can’t see where it’s worth it.
But wade through the muck I did. And the jewel that I took from her this morning, is I seriously need to lose weight. My mother has been overweight as long as I’ve known her. And it is catching up to her in her old age. She has several problems that I don’t want. So in order to squash that future, I need to take steps now.
I spent the better part of the morning doing the Knowledge to the weight loss cipher. I approached this not from a position of emotions but mathematically. My goal is to lose 2 ponds per week. I sat down and made determinations and decisions based on how much I lose just existing at this present weight. I use 1784 calories per day. 1 pound equals 3500 calories. I need to eat 5 meals a day at 249 calories per meal spaced 3 hours apart so that my body doesn't go into starvation mode and strive to preserve the weight. I find it is ironic that obesity causes so many health problems but your body doesn't want to release the weight. Then I will exercise to keep the metabolism.
Trust me. I have done the research and the weight loss lifestyle I have come up with is not any one else's but mine. But being a health care practitioner, I know and I realize that yoyo dieting of my past has fucked up my body. When I diet, my body remembers and does everything in it’s power to not release the weight.
I have a page at my I have lost most of my friends because I had quit and didn't update. Oh well. The journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step. And it it time to renew my history.
I have a plan. Now all I have to do is work it to death!
Updates will be forth coming.