Brought It!
Peace. As of tomorrow, I will be done with P90x! I would have been done last week on May 2nd, but I got the flu. I did try to work out through my illness but I threw up every time I tried. So…. I don’t think I’m going to do this again. And let me tell you why…. First… It’s hard to stay committed for 90 days. I was gung ho for 60 day sand really resented the last 90. That’s no way to workout. I started to get sloppy and play with the workouts. Second… Most of the workouts were very long; ranging from 76-90 minutes. I don’t work in the fitness industry. In order to complete the workouts I have to wake up between 4-4:30 am. Now I may sound like I’m whining, and I probably am, but anything before 5 is too much for me. I still have to work a 9 hour day, come home, do housework and feed my family. With a 4 am wake up call, I am dead asleep at 9pm (sometimes before) and my honey bunny takes the loss. I need something that is shorter and can be done either in the morning or the evening...