Days 7-14
Peace Week 2 was super drama free. I ate salads most days as my big meal. I'm kinda over salads now. I' have plans to un-cook more dishes. On Friday, I did add a piece of sushi to my salad, but I paid for it later. I'm a pescatarian so I will occasionally eat fish. And I assumed if I ate sushi, than that shouldn't be against my raw diet. BUT... apparently it is. It made me sick to my stomach and constipated. Not a good combination. Other than that, I don't have much to report. My left knee has been giving me a problem. I noticed it clearly this week. I really can't say how long it's been hurting. I have a high tolerance for pain and It could have been nagging me longer than I knew. It's not really a pain, but when I extend it it pops and the popping hurts. It hurts to the touch as well. I'm not going to the doctor. (I hate that I am forced to pay for insurance that I know I won't use!!!!) All they are going to say is lose weight and that shou...