Queen of Slugs
Peace. This is an sneak tip update... My boss has accused me of viraly infecting his computers. I haven't. Does he think I do internet porn all day in full view of the clients? But you know how bosses are. I so hope expect to find the position of my dreams before I'm 45.... I am still on the Elimination Diet. Here is the scary thing. I think I like it...... Since truly restricting my diet, I have gotten it down to a core of foods that don't bother me. I have said no to milk products outside of butter. And when it comes to butter, I don't eat it by itself. I eat it cooked in foods. And I avoid, though not completely soy. (I had some tofu to go bad and once you smell that....) I avoid adding sugar and salt to foods. And I avoid processed foods for the most part. Processed foods are of the devil! The 7 bought some cookies... generic chips ahoy I think... And I had 1. That 1 made me want another when I was clear I wasn't hungry. So I had the 2nd. Then I got a ...