
Showing posts from December, 2011

Iron Deficiency

Peace, I don't always remember what I say here and quite frankly I'm too lazy to go back and check. So you know I'm telling the truth since I wouldn't be able to remember a lie! I, as a woman, have suffered from iron poor blood since puberty. I remember going to the pediatrician and him giving me a Rx for iron and my mother throwing it away away and telling me, "All women are iron deficient. It's the price for womanhood." Now I don't know if DFACs is retroactive, because she needed to spend some time in lock up because of her wisdom. What I got from that it was my lot to suffer as a woman and to blow off my iron levels. Fast forward to 2002. I had fibroids so bad I couldn't stand upright. I was in constant pain and needed to have surgery but was so iron deficient that I required 3 transfusions. 1 before, 1 during and 1 after. Add to the stew, there was rampant infection in the blood supply. I ended up waiting 2 months before my blood was stron...

Wet Breakfast Challenge

Peace Y'all, It's the time of year where I think about how my resolutions went and plan for some new ones. I have officially said good bye to some dreams and hello to others. I'm in a good place. I recognize that I need to get my cleanse on. But I have no desire to suffer ridiculous detox. So....... I'm going to slowly step into a cleaner Serenity. While on the hCg diet, I realized that I could train my body to be happy with less food. that's good to know. I lost 22 lbs on it btw. 22 lbs I can see. So I'm going to stick to the lower cal, but change the low carb option a bit. I am going to start back juicing and green smoothie-ing again for breakfast. That way I can get all my fruit and veggie requirements and maybe do some healing. My skin is still tripping. But I recognize that it is all stress related. I don't see myself calming down unless I hit the lottery so I will just have to hold on. I'm no longer concerned with bearing (one of the dreams ...