
Showing posts from July, 2014

Shark Week....

Peace. Yes I’m in crux of a hormone imbalance. Yes I can be salty and sweet. No, you don’t get to say anything about it! This chick came into my office yesterday and decide to judge what I was eating. I had a bag of Limon chips, a Twix and a Coke on my desk. A perfect PMS trinity. She got a bit and then realized where she erred and apologized. This post is dedicated to her and all the other people who caught an elbow for misspeaking.... I’m a woman still of childbearing age. Monthly… and still pretty damn regularly… I experience a 5 day shedding of my uterine lining. SO THE FUCK WHAT! I’m not ashamed. Why should I be? Most women experience the same shedding that I do. That’s a rite of passage in a human female’s life that marks her entry into the Woman’s Cipher. It is nothing to be ashamed of or feared. When I first got my period, like many young girls, I was unaware and unprepared. Your first cycle is very different from the rest. I thought I was pooping on myself. And I was you...

Protective Styles for my Edges....

Peace! I tend to blog about healthy concerns. Making this blog at times entirely too serious. But I’m a girl. A girly girl at that and not the least bit ashamed. So today… We are talking about my hair! I have had locs since 2008. I said I would either loc my hair for my 40th bornday or sooner if something traumatic happened that I felt I needed to mark the day. My father died in 2008. I had my loose hair braided so that I didn’t have to think about hair while traveling and mourning. But when the hair came down I 2-strand twisted it and never looked back. I would have allowed the braids to become locs if I had had the foresight to get box braids instead of cornrows. When locs are short you can’t wait for them to get long. But now that mine are long I find them hard to control. Especially since I cover my hair almost all the time when I leave the house. When I run, I might run bareheaded but usually I wear a visor. That counts. Currently, my hair is passed my back bra strap. My goa...