sucked rocks......
Peace. This is more of a vent than a Build….. Yesterday’s run SUCKED… and sucked hard. I am really disappointed with my body and it’s resistance to getting better at running. Last year I was running like 16-20 miles a week and now… I can barely get in 2 miles per session. Yesterday my legs felt like lead. I tripped twice, but didn't fall. I checked the calendar and I am not close to shark week so I cannot think of a reason why that run was just torture. I have been eating well. It wasn’t my feet, or the shoes, no was I ill in any way. I wasn’t even over hot. I know these runs happen but I prefer to know the reasons why. Anywho… I signed up and PAID FOR a 5k on June 28th. I need to get back to 4 miles as my regular run by the end of the month. All next month I want to improve my speed. Phooey….. Peace