Get it In!
Peace, I have stated probably ad nauseaum that I am a vegetarian and have been since 2000. Well this might change. I have been experiencing odd symptoms. I have had an intense brain fog. Not your ordinary run of the mill brain fog, but some up-in-your-face-I-don't-remember-where-I-live brain fog. Even though I claim long term vegetarianism, I was still eating fish once a week until 2009. I would notice that if I went long term without fish I would get stupid. Then I eat some fish and I'd go back to being fine. I had a car accident in June and have been seeing health care practitioners more than usual. The doctors did some bloodwork on me and told me that I have a severe B12 deficiency. Now I know vegetarians get B12 deficiencies like child bearing women become iron deficient. It is part of the lifestyle. And I kind of have been supplementing since 2009. But you know from previous posts that I don't like supplements and prefer to get mine in through diet. BUT... I wasn...