Day 12


Day twelve… Unbelievable. Do you know last week, after all that ugly detox, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do this fast. I had been investigating other methods of pre-fasting. Maybe a bunch of 3 day fasts leading up to a 10 day fast or something. But I am happy to report, the worst is behind me. I am now in the good part. I am feeling sublime….. Though there are food cravings like crazy!!! Last night I saw a commercial for tacos at Taco Bell with Dorito shells! What???? It’s about damn time. I would have been out the door! But it is on my list for that day after the fast is over.

I have been really interested in food. I mean REALLY interested. I have been watching the cooking channels like crazy. You would think that I would avoid those channels like the plague but for some reason I have been really enjoying them. I notice that when I fast, I do that. My interest in food is perked up. I read an article that cited a study, that people who fasted started to obsess over food vs. people who were put on diets. Interesting. So things that I obsess over are because I don’t have them? Maybe. I don’t start looking at other cars until a thought in me says the car I’m in is on it’s way out. And I don’t start looking at other men until I am at the point of not wanting to be with the man I’m with. When I am broke I seem to NEED a bunch of items I don’t need when I’m not broke. So the whole food obsession because of deprivation thing actually does make sense.

Well last week’s build had me realizing that I needed to honor my intentions with this fast and start doing things. I’m not just wanting to cleanse my colon but reinvigorate my whole body. So…. I have been actively working on that this week. I have begun my yoga home practice. Yoga is so trendy right now there is very little incentive for it to be reasonably priced. And any bit of movement is better than no movement. Whatever I come up with will be good for me. Plus, P90x turned me off of public yoga.

I have begun with daily raspberry leaf tea to strengthen my baby cab. Most women don’t realize that our reproductive systems are self cleaning. No need to douche. Just sit in a tub of water and your vagina will take it up and squirt it out without you even noticing. And menstruation cleans and clears out the uterus. So really there is nothing we need to do to make it cleaner. Though I will say that wearing panties/pantyhose/pants will suffocate the organ. So maybe let that go. The tea is to strengthen the uterine muscle. Since you can’t really work it out.

I have been meditating, dry brushing, oiling and nasal rinsing. The nasal rinsing has helped clear my nose of that itchy allergy feeling. And that’s always good. I attempted a salt water flush. It was unsuccessful. The salted water went in, but it didn’t come out. I don’t know what it’s doing in there. But there was not movement. So then I drank some dieters tea. You know the kind that causes the obscene cramps. That worked. But, I haven’t had a movement in a week! Now I’m not super worried about this. I am not eating, just drinking and I pee all the time. Also I haven’t had a spot of acne. When I am constipated the first sign is a pimple. There are no pimples. Although, I do think I should be moving more than I have been. I drank another diet tea this morning. We shall see what that does.

I have been really weak and tired; so I have been sleeping a lot. And people have asked me if I’m alright. So I must look crazy. I have been really cold. I expected that. I have upped my game with juicing beets, ginger, green tea and hot peppers to get things flowing. And the small bit of exercise I have been getting is supposed to aid me in staying warm. I have been super achy too. I was expecting that. Anabolism vs. catabolism and all. I have managed to be so unhungry that I forget to drink. Yesterday I made a produce run and I got all jittery in the grocery store. I had to drink something quick. I was in a hood store so you know that had a bunch of drama attached to it. But I had to keep it moving.

One thing that has really shocked me is the weight loss. Not that I got on the scale so I can’t report a number. But I can see a huge difference in my face and clothes. They are hanging off me. People have begun to notice. I am shocked. This is only 12 days into the fast. Normally my clothes don’t look like this until I’m done. Today I am wearing a shirt that I almost gave to charity. It’s a blouse and it was so tight that it was hard to keep on my arms and keep buttoned. Maybe it’s the water I have been drinking. I have been laboring to drink 64 ox of water in addition to the juice. It’s not so hard to do as I once believed. All I have to do is drink a liter at work and a liter in the car and I’m good. I do struggle to drink water on the weekends.

My eczema seems to be getting better on my body but spreading to my face. You know I can’t have eczema on my face! I blame the betterment to the weather becoming warmer and wetter. That always helped in the past before I moved to GA where the summers are HOT! I have been staying away from dairy on this fast. I have been using vanilla protein powder in the place of milk. I worry about not getting all my vitamins. But store bought vitamins can’t always be trusted. Think about it, taking a multivitamin is not a natural way to get vitamins in your system. Naturally if you want vitamin c in your diet you eat an orange, not pop a pill. I really feel like the body does not process vitamins the same way as food, because they aren’t delivered with food. Also, vitamins and minerals come along with fiber and other good things for you. But I don’t want to be vitamin deficient. When I take vitamins, I take liquid prenatals, and I only take them for a short period of time.

With all this weight loss and de-bloating, I noticed that I have a floating but firm lump in my lower right pelvis. I can palpate it. It is about the size of a golf ball. And it has the unmitigated gall to move around. When I lay down I swear it moved up to like my abdomen. It’s tender to the touch and the discomfort can be felt in my back. Now that I’m deflating I can tell you that ALL the pain I have experienced in my back is due to this thing. When I laugh, lift something heavy or move wrong, the thing hurts. I really think it’s a fibroid or possible a hernia. But wouldn't it be nice if it was a fetus? So what are my plans? I will wait until I’m done with fasting to make sure this thing is not some creepy form of detox. I still have another week. And then go see the doctor…..

So that was my last week. With the exception of the thing, I am really encouraged.



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